Cyber-in-a-Box School Video Challenge Showcases Student Creativity and Research

May 9, 2023

Group of kids sitting and kneeling in two rows with group of adults standing behind them

Local premiere Cyber-in-a-Box School Video Challenge participants with back row Hannah Fields (4H mentor), Timothy Sheehan (State Interim CIO), Kayla (State Chief of Communications and Government Affairs), Laura Baker (CyberWyoming Alliance), Jamie Markus (State Librarian), Aaron Roberts (State CISO), and Matthew Fields (4H mentor)

On April 20, the CyberWyoming Alliance and the Wyoming State Library hosted the Cyber-In-A-Box School Video Challenge virtual premiere, showcasing creative videos written, produced, and filmed by participating school and club teams across Wyoming. Sponsored by Microsoft and ISI Wyoming, the challenge invited school and club teams to create a humorous cyber safety video or demystify a technology topic, like blockchain. Each team received t-shirts and $100 to purchase supplies.

Schools from throughout the state submitted videos for the challenge, including six teams from Twin Spruce Middle School in Gillette, three teams from Laramie County’s 4-H Robotics Club, one team from Johnson Junior High School, one team from Jackson High School, two teams from Buffalo High School, one team from Laramie High School, and two teams from Code Ninjas of Casper.

The premiere featured all the videos submitted, highlighting the innovative ideas and creativity that the students brought to the table. The event included an audience of educators, students, judges, library employees, and parents tuning in to watch.

While the judges were impressed with the quality and diversity of the submissions, one video stood out. Laramie High School’s video, Gaming Safely, was the most chilling, and the judges believed it should be a public service announcement. Despite being one of the shortest videos, it conveyed a powerful message and left a lasting impact on the viewers.

“We are thrilled with the response we received from the students and schools who participated in the Cyber-In-A-Box School Video Challenge,” said Laura Baker, co-founder and CEO of CyberWyoming Alliance. “The videos we received were inspiring, and it’s heartening to see students take an interest in cyber safety and demystifying technology. We’re looking forward to hosting similar events in the future.”

Following the virtual premier, Laramie County Library hosted a local premiere for the four participating Cheyenne teams in the Cyber-In-A-Box School Video Challenge on April 27. Teen Services Librarian Sean Coyle organized the event that brought together parents, students, and several esteemed attendees, including State Librarian Jamie Markus and Interim Chief Information Officer Timothy Sheehan, Chief Information Security Officer Aaron Roberts, and Chief of Communications and Government Affairs Kayla Woods from the State of Wyoming Enterprise Technology Services (ETS). Their attendance highlights the importance of the Cyber-In-A-Box School Video Challenge in promoting cyber safety awareness and demystifying technology among the younger generation.

“The premiered videos were chock full of excellent information related to cyber security,” Jamie said. “The students used a wide variety of technologies to convey their points. I particularly enjoyed the slow motion found in Circuit Breakers vs Scams. It was a great way to make the audience laugh and think about the topic being presented.”

He added, “The Cyber-In-A-Box School Video Challenge is a fantastic initiative that encourages students to explore the world of technology while promoting cyber safety awareness. We’re thrilled to have hosted this event and to have witnessed the talent and creativity of the young participants.”

The videos will be released each month on the Wyoming State Library’s website.

The Cyber-In-A-Box School Video Challenge is an initiative that aims to promote cyber safety awareness among students and to encourage them to explore the world of technology. The challenge not only incentivizes students to learn more about these topics but also provides them with an opportunity to showcase their skills and creativity. It is a collaboration between the CyberWyoming Alliance, the Wyoming State Library and the Wyoming CAN (Cybersecurity Action Network) Committee.

For more information on the Cyber-In-A-Box School Video Challenge, visit

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