Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Training Events and Resources

May 14, 2021

Wyoming Library Association logo has WLA on background of mountains and full name beneathAs part of the Wyoming Library Association EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Committee’s ongoing efforts, they’ll highlight interesting programs, webinars, workshops, and more that support the WLA’s EDI Statement. The hope is to share ideas of how to incorporate EDI into programs, see what other libraries are doing regarding EDI in libraries, and learn from each other.

Here are the most recent event/webinar highlights from the committee.

Pre-recorded and Other Resource Types

Project READY: Reimagining Equity & Access for Diverse Youth (Libraries: School and Public, Target Audience: Youth Services): “Series of free, online professional development modules for school and public youth services librarians, library administrators, and others interested in improving their knowledge about race and racism, racial equity, and culturally sustaining pedagogy.”

Diverse Book Finder​ (Libraries: School and Public, Target Audience: Youth Services): Collection Analysis Tool for picture books

Inclusive Metadata & Conscious Editing Resources (Libraries: All, Target Audience: Cataloging/Tech Services): Extensive list of resources “related to conscious editing and anti-oppressive metadata practices”

Spanish for Librarians (Libraries: All, Target Audience: Public-facing positions): Published in 2002, basic Spanish grammar and phrases for library staff (Note: REFORMA’s Translations Committee is actively updating this resource)

WebJunction’s Spanish Language Outreach Program​ (Libraries: All, Target Audience: Collection Development, Public-facing Positions, Outreach): Various resources for starting outreach to Spanish speaking populations (Note: most resources are from 2012, but still provide beneficial starting points)

Storytelling for Justice: How Libraries and Archives Hold History to Account (Libraries: All, Target Audience: All): “Learn about the power and potential of these memory institutions to confront race, policing, and mass incarceration, to foster equity of access and participation, and to educate and train the next generation of librarians, archivists, and activists.”


May 20
SLJ Day of Dialog* (Libraries: School and Public, Target Audience: Youth Services): Various free programs will discuss EDI and social justice topics. Note that while registration is free and unlimited, each program has an attendance cap.

May 20
Spanish Language Collection Development* (Libraries: School and Public, Target Audience: Collection Development): Diana Miranda-Murillo from the Austin Public Library (TX) will give us an update on the current tools she is using for Spanish language collection development — from the traditional tools (catalogs and websites) to the not-so-traditional ones like book tubers and social media.

* Highlight taken from the Wyoming State Library’s Training Calendar.

If you are holding any events that focus on EDI or come across any resources, send them to Conrrado Saldivar at CSaldivar@natronacountylibrary.org. The committee will compile and share as they’re able to. As always, make sure to check out the training calendar linked above for more continuing education opportunities.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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