‘Fault Lines in the Constitution’ Opportunity from Wyoming Humanities

Mar 7, 2023

Book coverWyoming Humanities has announced a unique programming opportunity for communities, libraries, and non-profit organizations across the state.

Fault Lines in the Constitution is a book written by Cynthia and Sanford Levinson that explores the historic document:

“Each chapter in this timely and thoughtful exploration of the Constitution’s creation begins with a story—all but one of them true—that connects directly back to a section of the document that forms the basis of our society and government. From the award-winning team, Cynthia Levinson, children’s book author, and Sanford Levinson, constitutional law scholar, Fault Lines in the Constitution will encourage exploration and discussion from young and old readers alike.”


Authors will host a lively discussion, debate, and conversation expanding on the themes found in their book and the U.S. Constitution on Tuesday, May 16th at 6:30pm in Jackson, Wyoming. Wyoming Humanities wants to bring this exciting event to your community in real time via livestream.

Apply now to host a remote livestream event of Fault Lines in the Constitution: A Community Conversation in your community on the evening of Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 6:30pm. Applications will be accepted until Friday, March 17, and decisions will be made no later than Friday, April 7.

Host sites will receive:

  • copies of the book Fault Lines in the Constitution,
  • $500 stipend to help defray the costs associated with hosting,
  • marketing kit to help attract participants,
  • access to the event via livestream and/or Zoom,
  • training on how to best guide the audience along with the live audience for active participation, and
  • a technical run to ensure compatibility and opportunity to troubleshoot.

Requirements for hosting the event include:

  • A Unique Entity Identifier number for the applying organization.
  • Event space that can comfortably accommodate 30-50 participants, who may be divided into smaller groups (tables may be most comfortable for this event, but not necessary).
  • Quality projector and screen or large television
  • Technical requirements and internet speeds that can accommodate a live streamed event.

Additional information may be found in the application or by contacting Program Coordinator Lucas Fralick at lucas@thinkwy.org.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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