Free Continuing Education Events for December 1-6

Dec 1, 2020

Free, online, continuing education events for December 1-6 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at

Image of training calendar listings for the week

All times MST

Tuesday, Dec 1 (10-11 am)
First Tuesdays: Engaging and Transforming Communities Through Social Learning (Washington State Library)
Libraries can use social learning tools to curate the knowledge and wisdom of people in their communities, inspiring creative problem-solving and new collaborations. Our guests co-facilitate social learning events in Whatcom County public libraries through Western Washington University’s Community Engagement Fellows program ( They will share the theory and practices of their shared work, and offer opportunities for other libraries to become involved in this exciting partnership between public libraries and higher education.

Tuesday, Dec 1 (12-1 pm)
Winter and Spring YA Announcements (Booklist)
There’s no better time than winter to curl up with a gripping read. And with upcoming YA releases like the ones covered in this free, hour-long webinar, teen readers—and YA lovers of all ages—will want to do nothing else. Join us for not only a must-see book buzz (brought to you by Bloomsbury Publishing and Tor Teen), but a special panel starring Brigid Kemmerer, author of A VOW SO BOLD AND DEADLY, and Charlie Jane Anders, author of VICTORIES GREATER THAN DEATH. Sarah Hunter, Booklist editor, Books for Youth, will moderate.

Tuesday, Dec 1 (12-1 pm)
What is NAPCS? An Overview of the Recently-Released NAPCS Data From the Economic Census (U.S. Census)
This webinar will provide an overview of the recently-released North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) data from the 2017 Economic Census. These data replace the Product Lines data historically released as part of the Economic Census. The webinar will include a demo of how to access the data on, following a typical use case.

Tuesday, Dec 1 (12-1 pm)
Successful Volunteer Interview Strategies (Volunteer Match)
Interviewing each prospective volunteer can seem overwhelming, but it’s one of the best ways to ensure that the volunteers you recruit are the volunteers you need. This webinar introduces a variety of question types used in volunteer interviews and offers strategies for honing your interview skills. Materials will be provided to help you implement this process in your organization, as well as a training syllabus so you can learn how to recruit and train a volunteer staff to assist with prospective volunteer interviews.

Wednesday, Dec 2 (9-10 am)
Reading Diversely (Nebraska Library Commission)
Nebraska Library Association Diversity Committee members will booktalk diverse titles and share resources for finding more reading to diversify your shelves. Attendees will be encouraged to share titles of diverse literature they have read to create a list for everyone to use.

Wednesday, Dec 2 (11-12 pm)
Learning Trends 2021: Facing the Future in a Business as Unusual World (Training Industry)
Join us for GP Strategies’ annual learning trends webinar. Your host, Matt Donovan, chief learning and innovation officer at GP Strategies, will go beyond learning trends and explore the ways L&D organizations can thrive in a business as unusual world.

Wednesday, Dec 2 (12-1 pm)
Mastering Complex Geographies on (U.S. Census)
Are you looking for a deeper dive into the Census Bureau’s complex geographies? This webinar is what you’ve been waiting for! In this training, we will show you how to select geographic components like urban and rural, find which geographies are compatible with a dataset, and how to use the mapping feature on You will also learn tips and tricks that will help with the selection of complex geographies like census tracts and block groups, vintage-based geographies, and geographies that fall within other geographies.

Wednesday, Dec 2 (12-1 pm)
Creative and Innovative Recognition Strategies for Today’s Volunteers (Volunteer Match)
Are you doing the right things to recognize the work volunteers do for your organization? Are your recognition strategies and events stuck in the past? In this webinar we’ll discuss what motivates today’s volunteers and discuss strategies for matching recognition to motivation. We’ll also share examples and ideas to incorporate creative and meaningful recognition into your volunteer engagement strategy.

Wednesday, Dec 2 (1-2 pm)
NNLM Resource Picks: Public Programming and NLM Traveling Exhibitions (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
NLM Traveling Exhibitions are a unique way to connect your patrons to valuable NLM health information resources through related public programming. To support you and your communities when your libraries borrow NLM exhibitions, the Exhibition Program is developing sample programming ideas related to individual exhibition topics. These ideas will help jump start your creative planning. Julie Botnick will discuss how those ideas can be adapted to your situations and ways to develop your own unique programming.

Wednesday, Dec 2 (1-2 pm)
How to Attract Volunteers and Donations with a Strong Visual Brand (Nonprofit Hub)
Nonprofits need donors and volunteers to thrive. But, a worthy mission isn’t enough to win them over. People support specific nonprofits for many important reasons, including the strength of a nonprofit’s visual brand. A strong visual brand can inspire confidence and dramatically boost donations. This interactive session will discuss the power of visual branding for nonprofits, when it’s time to refresh a visual brand, how to build loyalty and engagement through the visual brand design process, and simple ways to personalize stock template websites and emails.

Thursday, Dec 3 (10-10:30 am)
Confronting Institutional Bias in the Noprofit World (Nonprofit Learning Lab)
Everyone has biases even though people often are not aware of their biases. That is called an unconscious or implicit bias. Whether intentional or not , implicit biases influence decisions and the culture in the workplace. Having a bias doesn’t make someone a bad person as not every bias is negative or hurtful. It’s not recognizing and shifting negative institutional biases that leads to issues in the workplace.

Thursday, Dec 3 (11-12 pm)
How To Write Top Performing Fundraising Emails (Network for Good)
During this webinar Vanessa will show you examples of exceptionally well performing fundraising emails and will share email writing quick wins you can implement during your year-end campaign.

Thursday, Dec 3 (12-1 pm)
Practical Tips for Accessible Content and Multilingual Websites (Digital.Gov)
In this talk, we’ll go over the central principles of digital accessibility and how these principles remove access barriers and improve user experience for everyone. We’ll cover key ways you can create content that is usable and understandable. Lastly, we’ll touch on the accessibility considerations needed when creating and working with multilingual platforms and content.

Thursday, Dec 3 (12-1 pm)
Government Resources for Children, K-9 (Indiana State Library)
From Ben’s Guide to Kids in the House, the federal government produces a wealth of resources for teachers, students, and parents. Learn about the various websites, lesson plans, and educational guides that are available from the U.S. government. This session will highlight and provide searching tips to discover free digital resources for educators to utilize. This webinar is hosted in partnership with Indiana’s Networking for Documents and Information of Government Organizations (INDIGO) to provide continuing education of government information.

Thursday, Dec 3 (12-1 pm)
Why Nonprofits Must Optimize the Year-End Fundraising Experience (TechSoup)
In 2019, the CauseMic crew set out to research, monitor, and benchmark donor engagement, the donation experience, and cultivation tactics across 152 nonprofit organizations. The result? A comprehensive overview of nonprofit engagement from all sizes and sectors. Explore their key findings and take away easy wins that your nonprofit can use to upgrade your year-end strategy right away, even if your campaign is already underway.

Thursday, Dec 3 (12-1 pm)
Playing by the Rules: Creating an Effective Volunteer Handbook (Volunteer Match)
Learn how to create a living document that can help both paid and volunteer staff be better informed and know what is expected of them. A good Volunteer Handbook can also help you better identify and deal with challenging volunteers. Whether you’re just starting to create a Handbook or if you’re looking for best practices on information to include, this webinar will evaluate the Handbook you have and help you create a stronger framework for your volunteer engagement program.

Thursday, Dec 3 (1-2 pm)
Legacy Giving at Ages and Stages: How to Get the Right Balance for Your Donors (Bloomerang)
Join Lori Kranczer, legacy giving expert and philanthropic advisor, to go over the ways to address a donor’s interest in legacy giving and how to have a conversation that brings out what the donor values to match to the best legacy giving options for them.

Saturday, Dec 5 (9-10 am)
Tech for Girls Club : Coding a Story (PACER)
In this virtual workshop, middle school girls of all abilities will create their own story and use Scratch, an online coding program, to code scenes and animate characters. Zoom access links for this workshop will be emailed to participants the week of the virtual meeting.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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