Free Continuing Education Events for the Week of January 20

Jan 20, 2020

Free, online, continuing education events for the week of January 20 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at

All times MST

Tuesday, Jan 21 (12-1 pm)
DSIMS or : How I Manage My Selection Profile (Federal Depository Library Program)
This webinar gives an overview of DSIMS (Depository Selection Information Management System), the tool used by depository libraries to manage what publications they receive through the Federal Depository Library Program. Learn how to log in, view your individual selection profile, and the various options for adding or removing item numbers from the profile.

Tuesday, Jan 21 (12-1 pm)
How to Find Your Professional Voice (GovLoop)
Join GovLoop and NextGen to learn how to strengthen your public speaking skills and find your professional voice.

Tuesday, Jan 21 (12-1 pm)
Successful Volunteer Interview Strategies (VolunteerMatch)
Interviewing each prospective volunteer can seem overwhelming, but it’s one of the best ways to ensure that the volunteers you recruit are the volunteers you need. This webinar introduces a variety of question types used in volunteer interviews and offers strategies for honing your interview skills. Materials will be provided to help you implement this process in your organization, as well as a training syllabus so you can learn how to recruit and train a volunteer staff to assist with prospective volunteer interviews.

Tuesday, Jan 21 (1-2 pm)
Setting the Stage for Early Literacy (
Just for early childhood educators, this edWebinar is chock full of fun, just-right activities that build oral language and early reading and writing skills. Amy and Allison break down the hows and whys of early literacy into bite-size pieces to help busy teachers support our youngest learners’ individual development without pushing them too hard. Participants will leave with ideas for creating a literacy-rich environment; literacy activities for whole-class, small-group, and independent learning; strategies for building an effective home-school connection; and much more.

Tuesday, Jan 21 (3-4 pm)
Technology in Rural Schools: Addressing the Challenges of Digital Equity (
Within each school or district, it is important that students have equitable access to devices, high-speed internet, quality instruction, and meaningful learning opportunities. However, given their geography and context, rural schools and systems face unique challenges when addressing digital equity both inside and outside of school. As these presenters will explain, each rural context presents different challenges and opportunities.

Wednesday, Jan 22 (9-10 am)
Pretty Sweet Tech (Nebraska Library Commission)
Special monthly episodes of NCompass Live! Join the NLC’s Technology Innovation Librarian, Amanda Sweet, as she guides us through the world of library-related Pretty Sweet Tech.

Wednesday, Jan 22 (10-11 am)
That’s Not Funny! Or is it? (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
To be truly socially just do you have to eradicate humor? I don’t think so! Let a trained professional explain how humor works and how it offends other people. Cultural appropriation, stereotypes, and harmful attempts at humor are not required to have a successful event. How can we plan better, intervene when something isn’t right, and take responsibility for harm in our communities? If we think before we joke – we can still joke.

Wednesday, Jan 22 (12-1 pm)
Eliminating Fines: How to Make the Change Throughout Your State For State Library Agency Leaders & Library Policy Consultants (Colorado State Library)
Join this webinar specifically designed for state and regional leaders who are seeking ways to inform libraries about the facts of fines as well as the benefits and strategies for elimination. Even if you don’t feel you have any say in locally controlled libraries, your voice is important. The stakes are high as we now understand that library fines are an equity issue for the most vulnerable populations in your state.

Wednesday, Jan 22 (12-1 pm)
Successfully Implementing Volunteer Program Changes (VolunteerMatch)
What should you do when it’s time to change the policies and procedures that govern or guide the volunteers that work with your organization? How can you create a culture of inclusion and get buy-in for those new policies? This training will give you the tools to approach program changes in a strategic way. We will also cover what to do if volunteers either can’t or won’t adopt the policies, how to manage that situation, and what to do if ultimately you need to ask a volunteer to leave.

Wednesday, Jan 22 (1-2 pm)
Hooray for Dissent! Moving Beyond a Culture of Conformity (WebJunction)
Dissent and conflict are critical components of progress and are catalysts that move individuals, institutions, and communities toward systemic change. Authentic dissent in librarianship can be a catalyst to facilitate positive change against systemic oppression in libraries, and in society at large.

Wednesday, Jan 22 (3-4 pm)
Evidence-Based Advocacy: Using Data to Demonstrate the Impact of Library Programs on Student Learning (
Evidence is a compelling platform for advocacy. While innovative school librarians possess sophisticated training, knowledge, expertise, and pedagogical skills, these qualities take on transformational value when substantiated by data. Join this edWebinar to learn replicable strategies for generating, collecting, analyzing, synthesizing, and sharing student learning evidence resulting from inquiry instruction. Michelle will share links to valuable, ready-to-use instructional materials.

Thursday, Jan 23 (9-10 am)
Don’t Fence Me In: Rethinking Western Reader’s Advisory (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
We’ve all been there. The patron who has read EVERY. SINGLE. LOUIS. L’AMOUR title in your collection. The Elmer Kelton fan who has to resort to ILL. Laura Jean, one of the Reader’s Advisory Librarians at the Talking Book Program, has some possible solutions for you. She’s going to suggest different ways of approaching westerns that will have your patrons looking at this beloved genre in a whole new way.

Thursday, Jan 23 (10-11 am)
Information Hunters: When Librarians, Soldiers, and Spies Banded Together in World War II Europe (U.S. National Archives)
While armies have seized enemy records and rare texts as booty throughout history, it was only during World War II that an unlikely band of librarians, archivists, and scholars traveled abroad to collect books and documents to aid the military cause. They collected enemy texts, followed advancing armies to capture records, and seized Nazi works from bookstores and schools. When the war ended, they found and helped restitute looted collections hidden in cellars and caves. In Information Hunters, cultural historian Kathy Peiss reveals how book and document collecting became part of the new apparatus of intelligence and national security, military planning, and postwar reconstruction.

Thursday, Jan 23 (12-1 pm)
Serving the Underserved: tips for serving the homeless (Colorado State Library)
In this session, learn practical tips to serve people experiencing homelessness, avoid burnout, encourage community conversations,and link patrons to available resources. Learn from one Library Director’s mistakes and successes, and discuss your libraries’ unique challenges together.

Thursday, Jan 23 (12-1 pm)
Security and NextGen Tools-Are They a Match? (GovLoop)
Websites, portals and databases are built and maintained by developers at agencies across the country. As these government employees upgrade to nextgen tools to support citizen needs, they also need to incorporate security measures into every aspect of their work. Join us to hear a case study about how agencies can work effectively while also staying secure.

Thursday, Jan 23 (12-1:30 pm)
3 Fundraising Trends to Capitalize on in 2020 (Grantspace)
To help nonprofits up-level their annual fundraising strategies, the team at Classy is joining us to share 2020 fundraising trends nonprofits can capitalize on in the new year. You’ll learn how to incorporate these trends into your fundraising strategy and examples from nonprofits who are already ahead of the curve.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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