Free Continuing Education Events for the Week of June 26

Jun 25, 2023

Free, online, continuing education events for the week of June 26 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions and links are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events on our Training Calendar.

Calendar listings

All times MDT

Monday, Jun 26 (2-2:30 pm)
How to Set Team Goals (GovLoop)
Not only are goals essential for reaching agency objectives and accomplishing mission-critical work, but goals also provide a team with a unified vision for moving forward. Join us online to hear from a government expert about how to effectively set team goals.

Tuesday, Jun 27 (12-12:50 pm)
How to Stand Out at Work (GovLoop)
Much of our professional success is dependent on getting noticed. Does leadership or your supervisor know what you bring to the table each day? Are your team members aware of your skills and contributions? In order to get ahead, we need to be able to call out and celebrate our own strengths and successes – but how exactly? Join us online to learn how to stand out at work. You’ll hear from career experts about how to increase your visibility in the workplace.

Wednesday, Jun 28 (9-10 am)
Pretty Sweet Tech: Secure Computers For Public Use (Nebraska Library Commission)
Computers for public use are a service unique to libraries. To provide the best possible protection for the customers that use them and maximize their availability, they need to be properly secured and maintained. Andrew “Sherm” Sherman, with the Nebraska Library Commission Computer Services team, will take you through the process he has used to do this for the libraries he has provided IT support for.

Wednesday, Jun 28 (11-12 pm)
Optimizing Your Nonprofit’s Events to Fuel Fundraising Growth (Productive Fundraising)
Join fundraising master trainer, Chad Barger, CFRE, for a workshop focused on getting the most out of your organization’s special events.  Chad will review the true purpose and ideal revenue model for events and how to make them even more worthwhile by converting event attendees to annual donors.  He will also provide some real world examples of unique fundraising events that have broken the mold and became donor favorites (as well as some tips for virtual/hybrid events).

Thursday, Jun 29 (11-12 pm)
Beyond the One-Time Gift: Advanced Techniques for Donor Retention (Charity Village)
Join us for a 60-minute webinar designed to help nonprofits achieve long-term success by focusing on donor retention. We will delve into the effective techniques for engaging with supporters at each stage of the donor journey. From personalized communication to meaningful impact reporting, we will provide you with tactics for building strong relationships with donors and ensuring their continued support.

Thursday, Jun 29 (12-1 pm)
Finding Social Science Data Using Federal and State Resources (Federal Depository Library Program)
By the end of this session, attendees will understand the data landscape, the data lifecycle, and the limitations and opportunities of finding social science data. Attendees will also explore strategies on how to access publicly-available social science data through Federal and state resources.

Thursday, Jun 29 (12-1:30 pm)
Create inclusive workplaces and opportunities for your LGBTQ+ members (Candid Learning)
What is the cost of the closet? Many members of the LGBTQ community experience discrimination in the workplace or lack a sense of belonging.  By learning more about the identities, experiences, and culture of the LGBTQ community, employers can more easily understand unconscious bias and use more inclusive language in their interactions with employees and clients.

Thursday, Jun 29 (1-2 pm)
Low Morale in Libraries: Impacts and Countermeasures (WebJunction)
Low morale is detrimental to the health and well-being of employees, library organizations, and the communities they serve. Join us to learn more about this important research and leave with actionable ideas for promoting a healthy work environment for all staff and cultivating empathetic leadership in libraries. The webinar will highlight established and emerging countermeasures for library workers, including promoting work-life balance, encouraging candid communication, and cultivating a supportive workplace culture that allows all employees to thrive.

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