Free, online, continuing education events for the week of May 23 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions and links are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at
All times MDT
Online conferences
May 24-25 (5-7:30 pm)
Indigenous Voices: Authentic Children’s Literature in the Classroom & Library (San Diego County Office of Education)
Native authors scheduled to speak include Cynthia Leitich Smith, Angeline Boulley, Traci Sorell, Christine Day, Brian Young, David Robertson, and Michaela Goade, among others.
Monday, May 23 (4-5 pm)
Exhausted By Paperwork – How To Handle Administrative Work As A Supervisor (GovLoop)
Bogged down by administrative tasks? Approving leave requests, expenses, paperwork – oh my! It can be so time consuming and overwhelming, to say the least. This doesn’t even take into account all the work you do everyday for your own job. How do you create good habits so you don’t get stuck in the administrative sludge?
Tuesday, May 24 (11-12 pm)
Preventing Financial Fraud at Your Nonprofit (Nonprofit Learning Lab)
Join cybersecurity expert Community IT Innovators CTO Matt Eshleman and Carole Melvin, a financial expert from Your Part-Time Controller, for a webinar discussion of the financial threats that face nonprofit organizations and the steps you can take to protect your nonprofit from financial fraud.
Tuesday, May 24 (1-2 pm)
Book Challenges and Intellectual Freedom: Proactive Planning for Public Libraries (WebJunction)
Across the United States, there are increased reports of book challenges from community members, which have led to very public and heated discussions. As public library leaders and staff consider how to prepare for similar local challenges, being proactive about developing and sharing policies and procedures can help to create clarity and establish expectations around responses to book challenges. This preparation may also include engaging stakeholders, partners, and supporters around the value and essential need for intellectual freedom in the library. Join this discussion with panelists who are working through these issues in their communities, to learn about the resources they have found useful, and their suggestions for getting started.
Tuesday, May 24 (1-2 pm)
How to Develop Tiny and Engaging Videos by “Hacking” and (Training Magazine Network)
WARNING: There is a rule that you can not copy videos from and But there are so many videos you can scavenge, copy, crop, “mutate”, splice and dice, “cannibalize”, and make your own – keeping within limits, of course. The great thing is that I am no expert! If I can do it, you can too.
Tuesday, May 24 (1-2 pm)
Celebrate Water During Earth Science Week (STARnet)
Earth Science Week will take place October 9-15 with the theme “Earth Science for a Sustainable World.” Learning about and conserving water is a fundamental aspect of a sustainable future! Join STAR Net as we share engaging and fun water activities and resources developed by the We are Water Project Team that you can use to celebrate Earth Science Week – and beyond!
Tuesday, May 24 (5-6:30 pm)
3 Cool Tools for Images (TeachersFirst)
When using projects for alternative assessment and feedback, you’ll find that students can express themselves more creatively when given tools to share what they have learned. Come to this session to learn about three tools students can use to work with images for their projects. We’ll discuss digital citizenship expectations and explore tools that allow students to responsibly repurpose digital resources. You might even find a tool that is useful for your own purposes when creating learning objects!
Wednesday, May 25 (8-9 am)
What’s Up Wednesday: All About LibraryReads (Indiana State Library)
LibraryReads is the monthly nationwide library staff picks list for adult fiction and non-fiction. Learn how you can become part of this program by getting the chance to read pre-pub titles for free and use your votes to help create the list! This session will cover: the how and why of LibraryReads; how to access free print and downloadable galley copies of the hottest upcoming books; how to vote for the LibraryReads list; and more!
Wednesday, May 25 (9-10 am)
NCompass Live: Pretty Sweet Tech (Nebraska Library Commission)
Join the NLC’s Technology Innovation Librarian, Amanda Sweet, as she guides us through the world of library-related Pretty Sweet Tech.
Wednesday, May 25 (11-12 pm)
Historic Census Bureau Sources for Filipino, Guamanian and Chamorro, American Samoan, and Native Hawaiian Rese (National Archives)
This presentation by Christopher Martin, a historian with the U.S. Census Bureau, focuses on historic Census Bureau resources for Filipinos, Guamanians and Chamorros, American Samoans, and Native Hawaiians. We will explore the surveys and census history unique to those Pacific islands as well as the enumeration and representation of their populations in stateside questionnaires and reports. Learn more about the 1950 Census with our Genealogy Series.
Wednesday, May 25 (3-4 pm)
Analyzing Primary Sources in Project-Based Learning (edWeb)
In the edWebinar the presenters will discuss their approaches to high-quality, rigorous, project-based learning, whether designed by teachers or as open educational resources. They will also make connections to the C3 Framework to understand the skills students are building as they analyze sources and identify evidence to support their claims. Attendees will leave the session with an inquiry-based visual-analysis approach for using primary sources in their teaching to prompt students’ curiosity and improve critical thinking.
Thursday, May 26 (9-10 am)
Storytelling for Impact (Firespring)
Join Firespring’s Kiersten Hill as she goes through tips, techniques and tools to help the modern marketer tell better and more impactful stories to activate their audiences around ideas and actions.
Thursday, May 26 (10-11 am)
Staffing Your Fundraising Operation: Structure, Attract & Retain (Productive Fundraising)
Join fundraising master trainer, Chad Barger, CFRE, for a workshop covering fundraising staffing. We’ll explore the various options to staff your organization’s fundraising operation including how to best structure a fundraising job description. Chad will also provide tips for structuring the position in a way that’s most likely to attract top talent. Finally, we’ll focus on what you can do as a manager to keep your fundraising staff happy and serving your organization for the long term. Processes and tools will be shared which will start you down the path to fundraising staff success.
Thursday, May 26 (11-12 pm)
Understanding and Protecting Against Cyber Risk (Charity Village)
There are a lot of things an organization can do to protect themselves from cyber security incidents, and while insurance is typically a last resort when it comes to dealing with cyber risks, it is necessary to help mitigate the risks. Join us for a free webinar to learn about increasing cyber risk, preventative actions, and insurance options to help protect your organizations.
Thursday, May 26 (1-2 pm)
5 Best Practices for Training Front-Line Workers (Training Network Magazine)
From the ongoing pandemic to the “Great Resignation,” front-line workers are facing more pressure than ever. On top of these external pressures, front-line staff often lack organizational support as well, leading to poor productivity and a negative company culture. As a learning and development decision-maker, you have an opportunity to innovate and positively impact front-line employee training to motivate, educate, and retain essential workers. In this interactive webinar, discover the five best practices for developing consistent, engaging, and effective training that helps front-line workers stay connected and productive.
Thursday, May 26 (1-2 pm)
Ready Access: Reentry Services For Decarcerated Populations At Your Library (Infopeople)
Public libraries are uniquely situated to provide decarcerated individuals a wide range of supports because they are already providing services to the community. In this webinar the presenters will demonstrate a web-based toolkit that includes multi-layered mapping, a reading list, an introduction to initiating partnerships with governmental and nongovernmental agencies and tips for creating programming for decarcerated individuals.
Thursday, May 26 (2-3 pm)
How To Manage And Attract Talent In Gov (GovLoop)
Government agencies face a steep challenge when it comes to managing the workforce. They need to navigate increasing complexity around payroll, benefits, compliance and other critical issues. In an effort to reflect the needs of tomorrow’s workforce they also need the ability to attract, develop and retain the right employees.