Free Webinar on Engaging Older Adults Through the Arts

Mar 21, 2023

Graphic with event information and illustration of older woman in wheelchair creating art.InfoPeople is hosting a free webinar, Creativity and Connection: Engaging Older Adults Through the Arts, next month. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, April 18, from 12-1:30 MDT. This webinar will be of interest to programming, outreach, and adult services staff at public libraries.

Creative aging is an emerging and positive practice which engages older adults and their communities through joyful, sequential, social, and skills-based arts programming. In this dynamic webinar, you will learn how libraries nationwide are using creative aging programming to engage older adult patrons and form new partnerships to support this fast-growing demographic.

In this no-cost webinar, you will learn:

  • Concrete information about how to design and execute this proven program model in libraries
  • Diverse insights from library workers across the country who have implemented effective creative aging programs and partnerships
  • Key techniques for social engagement and artmaking with older adults
  • An orientation to a new self-paced, free online course with step-by-step instructions for implementing and sustaining creative aging programs and partnerships

Learn more and register.

While registration is unlimited, webinar attendance is limited to the first 500 participants. If the webinar reaches capacity, additional participants will be redirected to a live stream on YouTube.

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