Grant Opportunities

Jan 3, 2018

Revisiting the Founding Era
DEADLINE: January 31, 2018

Revisiting the Founding Era is a nationwide project that will use historical documents to spark public conversations about the Founding Era’s enduring ideas and themes and how they continue to influence our lives today. Up to 100 U.S. public libraries will be selected to host programs related to the American Revolution and the early years of the nation. Participating libraries will receive 10 copies of a 100-page reader containing relevant documents and $1,000 to be used for programs, as well as training, resources, and support. Public libraries that serve rural or undeserved communities are especially encouraged to apply.

ALA/Information Today, Inc. Library of the Future Award
DEADLINE: February 1, 2018
An award to honor an individual library, library consortium, group of librarians, or support organization for innovative planning for, applications of, or development of patron training programs about information technology in a library setting. Award consists of $1,500 and a 24K gold-framed citation of achievement.

Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Great Stories Club
DEADLINE: February 16, 2018
Informational webinar: January 12, 2018
Up to 25 selected libraries will work with small groups of teens to read and discuss three titles on the theme “Growing Up Brave on the Margins.” This TRHT Great Stories Club pilot program will feature books that explore the coming-of-age experience for young people in historically marginalized group. Successful applicants will receive copies of the books, a $300 programming stipend, travel expenses for a project orientation, promotional materials, training, and technical support.

Save America’s Treasures Grant Program
DEADLINE: February 21, 2018
The National Park Service, in partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), is now accepting applications for $5 million in matching grants to support the preservation of nationally significant historic properties and collections through the Save America’s Treasures program.

Lisa Libraries
The Lisa Libraries donates new children’s books and small libraries to organizations that work with kids in poor and under-served areas. They have a strong interest in supporting small, grass-roots organizations. Recipients of these free books will need to cover the shipping costs. Must have a tax exempt 501(c)(3) status.

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