Grant Opportunities

Apr 1, 2020

Wyoming Community Foundation COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund
DEADLINE: Ongoing while funds are available
The WYCF Response and Recovery Fund will provide resources to nonprofits and other organizations directly supporting vulnerable residents and families in Wyoming. In this first phase, they are prioritizing organizations that are serving communities and individuals who are immediately and disproportionately suffering from this crisis.

Wyoming Arts Council Community Support Grant
DEADLINE EXTENDED to April 10, 2020
The Community Support Grant (CSG) is a competitive grant program for project and/or operational support for organizations that provide services to their community through the arts. An organization is eligible to receive up to $20,000 in operating and project support (up to $12,000), arts education activities ($5,000), professional development ($1,000), programs involving folk and traditional arts (up to $1,000), outreach to rural communities (up to $1,000).

Libraries Lead with Digital Skills Grant
DEADLINE: April 30, 2020
Wyoming Academic and Public Libraries are invited to apply for funding to support a workforce development program in their library. Libraries that receive funding will implement or expand a program or series of programs for jobseekers to prepare for or find work and/or small businesses or entrepreneurs to grow online. Programming is to be conducted between May 1 and August 1.

U.S. Bank Work Grants
DEADLINE: April 30, 2020
Funds organizations that provide training for small business development, as well as programs that support individuals across all skill and experience levels, to ensure they have the capability to gain employment that supports individuals and their families. Financial literacy programs are eligible for funding. Applicants must be tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or be a municipal entity.

Colocation America STEM Grant
DEADLINE: May 1, 2020
Through the program, grants of up to $7,500 will be awarded in support of programs that inspire and encourage K-12 students to pursue their interest and curiosity in STEM. Eligible programs and projects include those that offer students an innovative approach to learning STEM; developmentally appropriate STEM curriculum and/or resources; and activities that support real-life application of STEM knowledge.

Carol McMurry Library Endowment Individual Grants for Continuing Education
DEADLINE: May 31, 2020
Want to attend a conference or workshop to build your library skills? Take an online course? Start working toward that library media specialist endorsement or master’s degree in library science? Funds are available to those working or volunteering in Wyoming libraries through the Carol McMurry Library Endowment Individual Grants for Continuing Education. Applications are accepted six times during the year. The next deadline is May 31 for continuing education events starting no earlier than July 1, 2020.

Carol McMurry Library Endowment Grants to Libraries
DEADLINE: June 15, 2020
These grants provide support to Wyoming librarians and publicly accessible Wyoming libraries in three areas: education and training, library resources, and library foundation development. Two grant deadlines annually in June and December. Contact Brian Greene, WSL Library Development Manager, with any questions at or (307) 777-6339.

Association of Bookmobile & Outreach Services Awards & Scholarships
DEADLINE: August 1, 2020
ABOS sponsors six awards: the John Philip Excellence in Outreach Award, the Carol Hole Conference Attendance Award, the Bernard Vavrek Scholarship, the ABOS Rising Stars Award, the ABOS Innovation in Outreach Programming Award, and the Outstanding Bookmobile Librarian Award. All award winners will be notified by August 25. Questions may be directed to David Kelsey, 2020 ABOS Awards and Scholarships Committee Chair,

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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