Grant Opportunities

May 1, 2020

Wyoming Community Foundation COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund
DEADLINE: Ongoing while funds are available
The WYCF Response and Recovery Fund will provide resources to nonprofits and other organizations directly supporting vulnerable residents and families in Wyoming. In this first phase, they are prioritizing organizations that are serving communities and individuals who are immediately and disproportionately suffering from this crisis.

NEH CARES: Cultural Organizations
DEADLINE: May 11, 2020
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is accepting applications for the NEH CARES: Cultural Organizations grant program. The purpose of this emergency relief program is to assist institutions and organizations working in the humanities that have been affected by the coronavirus. In keeping with Congress’s intent in enacting the CARES Act, proposals for short-term activities should emphasize retaining or hiring humanities staff.

ALA Diversity Research Grant Program
DEADLINE: May 15, 2020
The Diversity Research Grant (DRG) consists of a one-time $2500 award for original research. A jury of ALA members evaluates proposals and is encouraged to award a total of three awards. Grant proposals may address any topic that speaks to critical gaps in the knowledge of equity, diversity, and inclusion issues within library and information science.

Judith Krug Fund Banned Books Week Event Grants
DEADLINE: May 31, 2020
Each year FTRF distributes grants to non-profit organizations to support activities that raise awareness of intellectual freedom and censorship issues during the annual Banned Books Weeks celebration (September 27 – October 3, 2020) Staff at all types of libraries, schools, universities, and community organizations are encouraged to apply. Grants are awarded at two levels, $1,000 and $2,500.

OCLC Community Engagement Award
This award recognizes projects that help public libraries extend their reach, build strong partnerships and create programs that transform lives. Submissions should highlight a current project or one completed within the past year that innovates, impacts and extends a library’s reach by connecting with community members. Three libraries will be recognized with an award and each will receive $5,000 for their significant community engagement initiatives.

Libraries Lead with Digital Skills Virtual Library Services
DEADLINE: June 1, 2020
This funding program is now open to any library, in any state, that would like support for their virtual library programming to continue supporting job seekers and small businesses in your community.

Toshiba America Foundation Grants
DEADLINE: June 1, 2020
Grants up to $5,000 to teachers in grades 6-12 to provide innovative STEM learning in the classroom. Multiple grant deadlines throughout the year with some grant cycles allowing for grants of more than $5,000. Applications must be for project-based learning. They do not consider requests for computers, laptops or tablets.

Nora Van Burgh Development Grants
DEADLINE: June 15, 2020
Nora Van Burgh had a lengthy and distinguished career in Wyoming libraries, and she was a strong believer in lifelong learning. The Wyoming Library Association’s Nora Van Burgh Development Grants honor her memory. These grants provide funding assistance to those who wish to enhance their effectiveness as library employees through additional educational experience. Non-degreed library employees are particularly encouraged to apply, though any current member of WLA may apply.

2020 Scholastic Book Clubs & James Patterson Classroom Library Grants
DEADLINE: July 31,2020
Author James Patterson is giving $2.5 million to help teachers build their classroom libraries. The Patterson Partnership will award 5,000 teachers with $500 in individual grants matched by 500 Bonus Points from Scholastic Book Clubs to acquire books and other materials needed to enhance their classroom libraries. The grant program is open to all teachers in Pre-K through grade 12 in U.S. schools.

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