Grant Opportunities

Oct 2, 2020

Wyoming State Geological Survey Earth Science Week Toolkits
DEADLINE: First come, first serve while supply of 50 kits lasts
The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) provides 50 toolkits to the WSGS to distribute to Wyoming teachers on a first come, first serve basis. Education materials in toolkits are suitable for middle-school-age students and include resources about minerals; water, environmental, energy, and soil sciences; geoscience measurement; rocks; paleontology; seismology and earthquake; agriculture; and more. To request one of the 50 complimentary toolkits, contact Christina George at

NNLM HIV/AIDS Coordination Center Funding for Outreach
DEADLINE: October 30, 2020
Funding for short-term outreach projects that focus on bringing HIV/AIDS health information resources to consumers. Awarded projects will start on November 9, 2020 and run through April 30, 2021. The maximum funding per award is $16,593.50. Projects must include some aspect of broadening access to and awareness of HIV/AIDS health information resources

Carnegie-Whitney Grants
DEADLINE: November 2, 2020
The Carnegie-Whitney Grant provides grants for the preparation of popular or scholarly reading lists, webliographies, indexes and other guides to library resources that will be useful to users of all types of libraries in the United States. Grants of up to $5,000 are awarded annually. The grants are intended to cover preparation costs appropriate to the development of a useful product, including the cost of research. The grants do not cover the costs of final printing or online distribution of the product.

I Love My Librarian Award
DEADLINE: November 9, 2020
Has a librarian made a difference in your life? Now is the time to nominate them for the I Love My Librarian Award. Each year, this award recognizes 10 outstanding librarians with a $5000 prize. The I Love My Librarian selection committee is looking for stories of librarians whose passion, creativity, and expertise have made an impact during these unprecedented times.

Libraries Transforming Communities: Focus on Small and Rural Libraries
DEADLINE: December 2, 2020
Up to 650 U.S. libraries in small and rural communities will receive $3,000 to tackle issues ranging from media literacy to COVID-19 safety to unemployment. The initiative is part of ALA’s longtime commitment to preparing library workers for the expanding role of libraries. Grant funds may cover a range of expenses, from hotspot purchases to personal protective equipment to staff time to undertake community engagement work.

2021 School Librarian of the Year Award
DEADLINE: December 8, 2020
The School Librarian of the Year Award honors a K–12 library professional for outstanding achievement and the exemplary use of 21st-century tools and services to engage children and teens toward fostering multiple literacies. The winning school librarian will receive a $2,500 cash award and $2,500 in-kind digital and/or print products for their library; a Scholastic Book Fairs “Mr. Schu’s Picks” collection of books; a visit from John Schumacher, Ambassador of School Libraries, Scholastic, including a book giveaway for every student in the school; and a feature profile in the April 2021 issue of SLJ.

American Library Association Student Scholarships
DEADLINE: March 1, 2021
The American Library Association (ALA) has more than $300,000 available to students who are studying in library science or school library media programs at the master’s degree level. Scholarships range from $2,500 to $8,000 per student per year. They include scholarships for students who are interested in children’s librarianship, youth librarianship, federal librarianship, new media and library automation. In addition, there are also scholarships available for minorities, persons with disabilities and people who are already employed in libraries but do not have an MLS.

Google Ad Grants
This non-competitive grant opportunity through Google allows libraries and nonprofits to boost their viewership on Google searches through ads. The Google Ad Grants program gives $10,000 a month to eligible entities to advertise their services. Libraries need a free account with both TechSoup and Google for Nonprofits to be eligible. They also need 501(c)(3) status through either a Friends or Foundation group. To learn more about this grant, watch this video. Some more library-specific advice can be found on this blog post.

USDA: Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant Program
This USDA program helps provide funding to develop community facilities in rural areas. A rural area, as defined by the USDA, has a population of fewer than 20,000 residents. The funds can be used to purchase, construct, or improve facilities. Priority is given to communities with a population of less than 5,500 and communities with a median household income below 80% of the state nonmetropolitan median household income. To get started, contact your local Rural Development office.

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