Grant Opportunities

Jul 2, 2021

Carol McMurry Library Endowment Individual Grants for Continuing Education
DEADLINE: July 31, 2021
Want to attend a conference or workshop to build your library skills? Take an online course? Start working toward that library media specialist endorsement or master’s degree in library science? Funds are available to those working or volunteering in Wyoming libraries through the Carol McMurry Library Endowment Individual Grants for Continuing Education. Applications are accepted six times during the year. The next deadline is July 31, 2021, for continuing education events starting no earlier than September 1, 2021.

Nora Van Burgh Development Grants
DEADLINE: August 2, 2021
Nora Van Burgh had a lengthy and distinguished career in Wyoming libraries, and she was a strong believer in lifelong learning. The Wyoming Library Association’s Nora Van Burgh Development Grants honor her memory. These grants provide funding assistance to those who wish to enhance their effectiveness as library employees through additional educational experience. Non-degreed library employees are particularly encouraged to apply, though any current member of WLA may apply.

Emergency Connectivity Fund
DEADLINE: August 13, 2021
The Emergency Connectivity Fund is a $7.17 Billion program that will help schools and libraries provide the tools and services their communities need for remote learning during the COVID-19 emergency period. Eligible schools and libraries can apply for financial support to purchase connected devices like laptops and tablets, Wi-Fi hotspots, modems, routers, and broadband connectivity to serve the unmet needs for off-campus use by students, school staff, and library patrons.

Libraries Transforming Communities: Focus on Small and Rural Libraries
DEADLINE: September 16, 2021
In this third round of grants, up to 100 U.S. libraries in small and rural communities will receive $3,000 each to tackle issues ranging from media literacy to COVID-19 safety to unemployment. Libraries Transforming Communities (LTC): Focus on Small and Rural Libraries is an initiative of the American Library Association (ALA) that provides community engagement resources and opportunities specific to the needs of library workers serving small and rural communities.

Walmart Community Grant Program
DEADLINE: December 31, 2021
Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded in support of local nonprofit organizations within the service area of individual Walmart or Sam’s Club stores for projects that benefit the community at large. Eligible nonprofit organizations must operate on the local level or be an affiliate/chapter of a larger organization that operates locally and directly benefit the service area of the store from which they are requesting funding.

Lisa Libraries
The Lisa Libraries donates new children’s books and small libraries to organizations that work with kids in poor and under-served areas. They have a strong interest in supporting small, grass-roots organizations. Recipients of these free books will need to cover the shipping costs. Must have a tax exempt 501(c)(3) status.

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