Grant Opportunities

Dec 1, 2021

Public Library Association 2022 Conference Grants
DEADLINE: December 8, 2021
PLA is giving away 15 scholarships to provide financial assistance for public library workers and students to attend the PLA 2022 Conference in Portland, Oregon, March 23–25. Each scholarship includes complimentary registration, one year of ALA and PLA membership, and a $500 stipend for travel and housing. These scholarships may not be applied toward the PLA 2022 Virtual Conference.

Save America’s Treasures Collection Grants
DEADLINE: December 14, 2021
Save America’s Treasures is a National Park Service grant program in collaboration with the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. This grant program supports the preservation of nationally significant historic properties and collections and requires a dollar-for-dollar match.

Walmart Community Grant Program
DEADLINE: December 31, 2021
Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded in support of local nonprofit organizations within the service area of individual Walmart or Sam’s Club stores for projects that benefit the community at large. Eligible nonprofit organizations must operate on the local level or be an affiliate/chapter of a larger organization that operates locally and directly benefit the service area of the store from which they are requesting funding.

Inclusive Financial Literacy Programming Kit
DEADLINE: January 3, 2022
One hundred public and school libraries will receive free books and resources through an effort to distribute diverse and inclusive financial literacy resources for children and young people. The giveaway is offered by the American Library Association (ALA) in collaboration with the FINRA Investor Education Foundation (FINRA Foundation).

NEH Public Humanities Projects Grants
DEADLINE: January 12, 2022
The Public Humanities Projects program supports projects that bring the ideas of the humanities to life for general audiences through public programming. Projects must engage humanities scholarship to analyze significant themes in disciplines such as history, literature, ethics, and art history. Small and mid-sized organizations are especially encouraged to apply.

Carol McMurry Library Endowment Individual Grants for Continuing Education
DEADLINE: January 31, 2022
Want to attend a conference or workshop to build your library skills? Take an online course? Start working toward that library media specialist endorsement or master’s degree in library science? Funds are available to those working or volunteering in Wyoming libraries through the Carol McMurry Library Endowment Individual Grants for Continuing Education. Applications are accepted six times during the year. The next deadline is January 31, 2022, for continuing education events starting no earlier than March 1, 2022.

Lola Homsher Research Grants
DEADLINE: February 28, 2022
Need financial assistance to help finalize your history project?  The Wyoming State Historical Society, a non-profit membership driven educational organization, offers cash grants to people involved in research activities based on various aspects of the state’s history.  The grants, ranging from $100 up to $1,500 are awarded based on applications submitted to the Society’s Lola Homsher Endowment Fund Committee.

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