Happy National Poetry Day from the Wyoming State Library!
Did you know GoWYLD has resources that can help you watch or listen to poetry read by poets? ProQuest Poets on Screen has more than 850 video clips of contemporary poets reading their work as well as others’ work. Prize-winning authors such as John Ashbery, Margaret Atwood, Blake Morrison, Nicci Giovanni, and many others read aloud poetry in various forms on a variety of topics in this collection.
To access this resource on GoWYLD, select the Subject Guides tab. Choose the Literature Guide from the list and click on the Literature Resources link. Select Poetry from the menu on the left and Poets on Screen from the options on the right.
Whether you are a poet yourself, an appreciator of poetry, or new to this artistic and lyrical form of writing, National Poetry Day is a great time to read and listen to some amazing poetry read by some of the best poets of all time! Who knows? Maybe you’ll even be inspired to write your own poetry–it could happen!
Celebrate National Poetry Day with ProQuest Poets on Screen!