Joan Brinkley is New Goshen County Library Director

Oct 8, 2015

Joan Brinkley

Joan Brinkley

The Wyoming Library Community welcomes Joan Brinkley as the new Goshen County Library Director. She came to Torrington at the beginning of August from Texas where she was a branch manager with the Dallas Public Library. Before becoming a public librarian, she spent 20 odd years working for school districts in Oregon and Texas.

“As much as I miss the day to day contact with children, I have really come to enjoy working with adults,” Joan said.

She’s found Torrington to be very welcoming and supportive. “When I walked into the Goshen County Library on day one, my first thought was that the library was bigger, newer, and much nicer than I had imagined. The staff and I have some big plans for cleaning up the collection, building a new website, and developing a strong community outreach program. These are exciting times and I can’t wait to see what happens next.”

Joan says she looks forward to exploring the state, as well as learning about and reading regional authors.

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