July News in Brief

Jul 5, 2024

Here is a roundup of news and articles regarding libraries and library professionals. Stay tuned for another batch later in the month!

Bringing Civility Back to Civil Life-Can people disagree on important topics and still be civil to one another? Public libraries can strengthen community and democracy through the practice of bridgebuilding.

A Glimpse at Libraries Across the Pond-This article provides insight on libraries in Great Britain and the challenges they face. Some are different than those of libraries in the U.S., but many are the same.

Five Things Public Libraries Should Know About Open Access-As more academic journals adopt an open access (OA) approach to publishing, more high-quality research is available for free—and public libraries are well poised to help their patrons and their communities benefit. This article discusses five things every public library should know about how and why OA content can be useful.

Digitizing Local ZinesHas your library considered beginning a local history collection? If so, have you wondered what types of materials to include? This article (originally published in the November/December 2018 issue of Public Libraries magazine) will take you through the development of the  Community History Archive (CHA) project at Daniel Boone Regional Library (DBRL), a library system in mid-Missouri that serves two counties.

New Public Library Technology Survey-The Public Library Association (PLA) today published the 2023 Public Library Technology Survey report. The national survey updates emerging trends around technology capacity, resources for patrons, infrastructure, digital literacy, and staffing in U.S. public libraries. This data is vital to understand how libraries serve as hubs of knowledge and innovation in our communities and continue to evolve to meet patron needs.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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