The organizers of the Lake Superior Libraries Symposium (LSLS) are accepting proposals from library professionals for breakout session for their 13th annual conference to be held on June 6, 2025, at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College in Cloquet, Minnesota.
This year’s theme, “Embrace, Engage, Excel: Libraries in Their Communities,” challenges attendees to consider the relationship between their libraries and the communities they serve and answering the questions:
- How can library professionals ensure that libraries are welcoming to all?
- What can they do to engage with the library-anxious?
- How can they continue to serve library users while maintaining a commitment to our professional values?
Possible presentation topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Data-driven decision-making
- Storytelling
- Outreach
- Programming
- Strategic planning
- Partnerships
- Staff development
- Collection development
- Facilities planning
- Stewardship
Successful breakout session presentations will be applicable to many types of libraries and showcase effective and innovative practices. 60-minute breakout sessions should include 10-15 minutes of question and answer. Panel presentations, particularly those representing a diversity of library types, sizes, and/or locations, are strongly encouraged.
** New this year: all presenters will receive FREE conference registration, which includes breakfast and lunch. **
Breakout session presenters should submit proposals at
LSLS allows library staff to share their expertise, learn from their colleagues, and network to develop a stronger community of information professionals. We welcome proposals from all types of libraries. The event is organized and supported by library staff and educators from Northern Minnesota and Wisconsin; for a full list of our supporters, see http://lakesuperiorlibrariessy
For questions about proposals and submissions, please contact Julie Rustad at<mailto:jrustad