Learn Grant Proposal Writing Skills in Free Online Workshop

Mar 23, 2022

Ecstatic man in the middle of whirlwind of cashWant to hone your grant writing skills? Would you like to know how to get funders to sit up and take notice of your proposals?

Whether you’re a beginner or whether you’ve written a few grants but want to improve, Grant Writing for Every Occasion is a free online workshop just for you! This two-day event will be held on May 4-5, 2022. It’s brought to you by the Wyoming State Historical Records Advisory Board and the Wyoming State Library (WSL).

Grant writing is no secret – it’s a learned skill. This workshop will help you master the logic and preparation needed for success. Learn tips, tricks, and pitfalls of grant writing, plus where to find help. We’ll discuss the elements of a proposal and how to develop, prepare, and present a compelling case.

UPDATE: We now have a full agenda and links to register on Zoom! Learn more and register here. (The pre-registration form is now closed.)

Can’t attend live? Sessions will be recorded, so please register and you’ll be notified when the recordings are available.

Five of six sessions will be presented by Susan Mark, Outreach Librarian at the Wyoming State Library. Susan is one of two coordinators for the WSL’s federal Library Services and Technology Act grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. She’s written grants successfully for nonprofits and state government agencies, managed grant contracts, served on grant review committees, and conducted grant writing workshops.

The final session will be with Dan Stokes, Director for State Programs at the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. His specializations include state and local government records, Native American records and projects, architectural records, and consultant grants.

Questions about Grant Writing for Every Occasion may be directed to Susan Mark at susan.mark@wyo.gov or (307) 777-5915.

This workshop is supported in part by an award from the Wyoming State Historical Records Advisory Board (WY SHRAB), through funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), National Archives and Records Administration. The WY SHRAB program is administered by the Wyoming State Archives, which is part of the Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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