Learn the History of the Nobel Prize with GoWYLD

Dec 9, 2022

Text reads "Nobel Prize Day" with line drawing of Alfred Nobel in profileOn December 10, Nobel Prize Day recognizes the annual award established by Alfred Nobel. You can learn more with a great GoWYLD resource.

Britannica Library provides the history of the Nobel Prize and lists of winners by year or by category. Find Britannica Library on GoWYLD.net alphabetically or under the Encyclopedias subject area. There’s also a version for schools. Once in, select a level (children, young adults, reference center) and then type Nobel Prize in the search box.

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On the main page of Britannica Library, in all levels, you can click on biographies, images and video, or articles. This allows you to browse by topic. Each level has a variety of added content, such as compare countries and primary source documents (eg. Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, President George Washington’s farewell address). Britannica Library Children has the added bonus of Animal Kingdom for exploration of animals and habitats.

To learn more about Britannica Library, click on the Tutorials tab on the far right of GoWYLD.net.

GoWYLD resources are available for free to all Wyoming residents from local libraries or from any computer or mobile device with a Wyoming library card number and PIN. For more information about the databases, training, or marketing materials contact Chris Van Burgh, Wyoming State Library Database Instruction Librarian, chris.vanburgh@wyo.gov.

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