Letters About Literature Deadline is March 1

Feb 5, 2024

Many of us can name a book that helped make us who we are.  As readers, we share these titles and our insights with those we care about in face-to-face conversations or through e-mail, texting, or other digital means.  Maybe you’ve even had the opportunity to talk to or write to the author of a book that has touched your heart or changed your thinking.

Wyoming Humanities’ Letters About Literature Contest gives Wyoming students in grades 4-12 the opportunity to share about the books that have impacted them and changed their lives by writing a letter to the author (living or dead). In their letter, students can respond to “a book, a story, a poem, or even a graphic novel,” according to Lucas Fralick, program coordinator for the Wyoming Humanities.

The purpose of the contest is to allow readers to share their excitement for reading and writing, as well as promote the value of literacy across the state.

The deadline for entry is March 1, 2024. Entries will be evaluated at the state level in three age-group categories. Winners at each level will win a Bookshop.org gift card in the following amounts:  first place-$150; second place-$100; and third place-$50.  Students may complete their entry as part of a class or as an individual.

Letters About Literature is presented by the Wyoming Center for the Book, a part of Wyoming Humanities. Encourage the students in your family, workplace, and life to participate in this educational opportunity!

For more information and entry forms, visit thinkwy.org/letters-about-literature.

Questions may be directed to lucas@thinkwy.org or (307) 721-9243.


If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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