Libraries as Busy as Ever on Wyoming Snapshot Day

Oct 27, 2015

Young patron at Campbell County Library, Gillette.

Young patron at Campbell County Library, Gillette.

Libraries across the state celebrated Wyoming Snapshot Day last week on Tuesday, October 20, 2015 by gathering more than 600 photos and numerous patron comments highlighting the great work they do every single day.

You can see all the photos on Flickr and all the great things people had to say about their libraries on the Wyoming Snapshot Day website. We thought we’d share a few here on the blog.

Patron Comments: Why is the Library Important to You?

“Books give me hope and something to look forward to even when I have given up hope on everything else.”
Student, Wyoming Boys School

An intense game of chess at Powell Middle School

An intense game of chess at Powell Middle School

“Our library is a hidden gem.  Where else can you find good books and movies and have a warm conversation with your favorite library employees. They are always go glad to see me, and, I am glad to see them, too.”
Mary Beth Faul, Lincoln County Library, Kemmerer

“America is so loud, on the whole! Libraries encourage us to be still. To pause, to reflect and inquire. Libraries are crucial to our inner existence and to our development as a creature of critical thinking. Libraries ask us to research and drink in more and new knowledge! Yeah for libraries!”
Allison G., Laramie County Community College Albany Campus

“Libraries represent opportunity – infinite opportunity – and this library is a particularly rich source of people, books and computers. People are always available to help in many ways.”
Sonja Turner, Cheyenne East High School teacher

Library Use on Snapshot Day

Picking out a book at Story Branch Library

Picking out a book at Story Branch Library

Wyoming residents make great use of our libraries. On Snapshot Day, Tuesday, October 20, 2015, the state’s public and community college libraries:

  • Circulated 16,294 items
  • Issued 111 new library cards
  • Added 960 items to their catalogs
  • Had nearly 3.4 million items available to Wyoming’s residents in their collections

From data collected annually by the Wyoming State Library, we estimate that on on Snapshot Day, there were:

  • 38,127 visits to public, academic and school libraries
  • 2,394 people using a public library computer
  • 1,333 reference questions answered in public libraries
  • 894 children and teens who attended programs at their public libraries

Many thanks go out to all the libraries that participated. See more Snapshot Day results at

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