As honorary chairs of Library Card Sign-up Month, crimefighting DC Super Heroes, the Teen Titans, are appearing in print and digital Public Service Announcements (PSAs) to help promote the value of a library card. DC is also providing Teen Titans artwork for customizable library cards, billboards and social media graphics.
The PSAs and artwork featuring the Teen Titans are free and can be downloaded at the Library Card Sign-up Month webpage. The webpage also includes media tools to help remind the public of all the resources available with a library card. Tools include a sample press release, proclamation and radio PSA scripts. The PSAs, artwork and tools are available in both English and Spanish.
Library Card Sign-up Month is a time to bring attention to the supportive role libraries and librarians play in transforming lives and communities through education. Since 1987, Library Card Sign-up Month has been held each September to mark the beginning of the school year. During the month, the American Library Association and libraries join together in a national effort to ensure every child signs up for their own library card.