Library Use on Wyoming Libraries Snapshot Day

Nov 4, 2022

Kids in front of computers making silly faces for the camera

Niobrara County Library on Wyoming Libraries Snapshot Day 2022

Wyoming libraries are busy, serving their communities day in and day out. Our Snapshot Day tally tells the story of how our libraries are used, both physically and electronically.

WYLD Libraries

On Snapshot Day, Tuesday, October 25, 2022, Wyoming’s more than 100 WYLD libraries:

  • Circulated 12,200 items, including 6,521 children’s items
  • Issued 81 new library cards
  • Added 634 items to their catalogs
  • Made 3,241,881 items available to Wyoming’s residents in their collections
  • Saw the library catalog (WYLDcat) used for 6,955 sessions and 16,936 searches by 6,535 users

WYLD includes all Wyoming public and community college libraries as well as many school and special libraries.

Public Libraries

In public libraries, from data collected annually by the Wyoming State Library, we estimate that on an average day, there are:

  • 6,982 visits to public libraries
  • 1,218 people using a public library computer
  • 996 reference questions answered in public libraries
  • 695 children and teens who attended programs at their public libraries
  • 39 meeting room uses
  • 729 wireless internet sessions
  • 7,860 retrievals of information from WYLD databases

The electronic resources offer articles, e-books, e-audiobooks, scholarly sources, courses and tutorials, and much more. These are available to every Wyoming resident, 24 hours a day. On October 25, there were:

  • 1,212 views of the home page views from 451 users
  • 405 visits to the A to Z databases list and 707 views of the GoWYLD LibGuides — 67 different guides were accessed
  • 2,891 total digital checkouts by 2,034 unique users in OverDrive Wyoming Virtual Library — 1,450 e-audiobooks, 1,310 e-books, and 131 e-magazines
  • 854 sessions, 5,910 queries in Britannica
  • 4 sessions and 8 unique report views in CQ Researcher
  • 224 sessions and 2,039 pages viewed in CultureGrams
  • 6,247 sessions, 10,437 searches, and 2,106 retrievals in the Gale Databases
  • 22,639 searches across all Proquest Databases
  • 127 visits from 85 unique visitors to
  • 2 logins and 9 quizzes taken in Pronunciator
  • 8.3 hours of LinkedIn Learning content viewed by 10 people who accessed 32 different courses using 134 videos

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