Making Library Budget Presentations

Dec 11, 2018

Reposted from the Vermont Department of Libraries December 2018 newsletter

The American Library Association (ALA) offers a great article with tips on how to prepare for, give, and follow up after a budget presentation. Tips include information on:

  • Identifying community priorities
  • Ideas for ways to use your Friends group
  • Leveraging strategic partners
  • Qualities of a successful budget proposal
  • Do’s and Don’ts for the presentation itself
  • Links to graph tools to help you create visuals with impact
  • And more!

While many of the tips are geared towards larger libraries, several are customizable to smaller libraries. The page also includes things you can do year-round to prepare for budget season and to help solidify your relationships with stakeholders in your community.

Read the full article from ALA.

Also, the Wyoming State Library has information on the budgeting process in its Public Library Directors’ Handbook and in its Library Board Members’ Handbook.

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