News Briefs June 2024

Jun 12, 2024

Here is a roundup of news and articles regarding libraries and library professionals. 

Early Childhood Trauma Toolkit Now Available In January 2024, the Early Childhood Programs and Services Committee published the Early Childhood Trauma Toolkit in order to support caregivers and library workers working with young children (ages 0-8) who have experienced trauma. The resources included are books and booklists, podcasts, videos, websites, and articles. Additionally, each of these sections provides materials for use by caregivers, families, and library workers.

The Role of Libraries in Navigating an AI-Empowered Future In this episode of FYI, the Public Libraries Podcast, we explore the transformative impact of AI on public libraries with Juan Rubio, Digital Media and Learning Expert at the Seattle Public Library. Drawing from his article in the May/June 2024 issue of Public Libraries magazine, our conversation covers how AI can revolutionize library services, addresses ethical considerations, and highlights the importance of AI literacy.

Kid Friendly Dewey This blog discusses a fun and easy way to make non-fiction more accessible to young readers.

MARC Control Fields This video tutorial, provides a high-level overview of how control fields are constructed, describes how they relate to one another and to the descriptive fields in a MARC record, and suggests specific elements within each control field to focus on when you are cataloging.

Digital Dilemma: Can Restrictive Licensing of Ebooks Destroy the Spirit of Libraries? According to Overdrive, people checked out 662 million ebooks and other digital media from libraries in 2023, a 19% rise from the previous year. However, even as ebook lending explodes, libraries across the United States share concerns that publishers’ current restrictive licensing policy could spell doom for the future of libraries.

Investing in School Libraries and Librarians To Improve Literacy Outcomes Libraries and librarians not only spark a love of learning; they are crucial to reversing low reading assessment scores across the country.


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