News in Brief

Nov 14, 2019

New Edition of Financial Assistance for Library and Information Studies Directory Available
Need financial assistance to attend library school or know of someone who does? Take a look at the 2019 Financial Assistance for Library and Information Studies (FALIS) Directory. It is an annual directory of awards from state library agencies, national and state library associations, local libraries, academic institutions and foundations that give some form of financial assistance for undergraduate and/or graduate education programs in library and information studies.

Advice on Updating Your Disaster Plan
Do you have a plan in place for when disaster happens? When thousands of gallons of water poured overnight from a mechanical room at the Rochester Public Library, staff opened the doors and found their auditorium had turned into a lake. In this blog post, they share the lessons learned from their experience and many pointers for other libraries.

Auditing the First Amendment at Your Public Library
According to the American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom, individuals and groups are now targeting public libraries with self-described “First Amendment audits,” claiming a right to film in any space accessible to the public, arguing that they’re entitled to do so as taxpayers and citizen journalists. Do you have policies in place to address situations like this? Read the article to learn more.

ARSL Conference Handouts Now Available
The Association for Rural and Small Libraries has posted handouts and presentation materials from many of their 2019 conference sessions on their website. Topics include programming, displays, community engagement, fundraising, and more.

Pew Survey Released on Americans and Digital Knowledge
A new Pew Research Center survey finds that Americans’ understanding of technology-related issues varies greatly depending on the topic, term or concept. While a majority of U.S. adults can correctly answer questions about phishing scams or website cookies, other items are more challenging.

ALA receives Grant to Develop Library Entrepreneurship Centers
A new $2 million grant will enable the American Library Association to fund a cohort of 10 libraries with proven models to increase the number of business creators they serve from low-income and underrepresented backgrounds. Participating libraries will work to establish new partnerships with community-based organizations and further develop innovative models to bring their library’s resources out in the community.

Free STEM Curricula for Your Library
The National Integrated Cyber Education Research Center (NICERC) focuses on STEM curriculum design, computer science curriculum design, cyber curriculum, professional development, and collaboration in K-12 education. If your library is looking for a way to expand your current STEM offerings (or even if you are looking for a place to start), check out the free resources from NICRC.

Writing Boxes: The Reading/Writing Connection in Libraries
Writing Boxes: The Reading/Writing Connection in Libraries is a guidebook and source of programming inspiration for all librarians working with early to young adult readers. Librarians will find thematic, easy to implement, hour-long writing workshops that require only paper, markers, and excited young writers. Free as a PDF download; print copies available for purchase.

Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table Announces New Best Graphic Novels for Adults Reading List
ALA’s Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table (GNCRT) is pleased to announce the new Best Graphic Novels for Adults Reading List. The inaugural year of the reading list will highlight the best graphic novels for adults published in late 2019 and throughout 2020, increase awareness of the graphic novel medium, raise voices of diverse comics creators, and aid library staff in the development of graphic novel collections. The first list will be announced at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in January 2021. List selection will be determined by a committee of GNCRT members with a background in graphic novel selection and use for adults.

GPO & DPLA Partnering to Make Government eBooks More Accessible
GPO and the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) are partnering to make Government eBooks more accessible. Currently, GPO does not have an e-reader platform for its users to view the various formats of eBooks. DPLA Exchange, in addition to selling copyrighted materials, has a venue called Open Bookshelf. It provides a platform where openly-licensed eBooks are available for the general public. Through Open Bookshelf, GPO can provide a service model to meet the needs of modern-day users. There are over 500 eBooks available on the Catalog of Government Publications (CGP); partnering with the DPLA eBook program will help GPO to continue to achieve its goals.

Bullying Prevention Resource from STEPS
Student Training and Education in Public Service (STEPS) provides an easy-to-navigate website that includes advice about identifying and helping someone who is being bullied. It also has some helpful career information for those who’d like to work in public service industries. (Wyoming librarians take note: Learning Express Library in GoWYLD has test preparation for career exams. Find it at

Read Across America book calendar helps students find common ground
Every year Read Across America produces a calendar filled with diverse books and correlating teaching guides and makes this calendar available for free. Books and discussion can help to break down preconceived ideas and stereotypes. Get students reading, talking, laughing, and sharing to build a community where they all feel seen, heard, and validated.

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