News in Brief

May 4, 2020

Wyoming PBS DVDs Available to Schools, Libraries
Wyoming PBS has free DVD copies of their special, “The State of Equality” available to schools and community libraries. From the description: “Near the centennial of the 19th amendment, Wyoming PBS looks back to when the Wyoming Territory led the way on women’s suffrage.” These are available only to schools and libraries, and requests must be submitted on official letterhead. Contact Carol Garber, WyomingPBS Education Coordinator, at or (307) 751-5880 with any questions.

Free PDF eBook: Library as Safe Haven: Disaster Planning, Response, and Recovery
ALA Editions | ALA Neal-Schuman is offering a free PDF e-book of the resource Library as Safe Haven: Disaster Planning, Response, and Recovery. This nuts-and-bolts manual covers such topics as an eight-step approach to developing a risk assessment plan; how to draft a one-page service continuity plan; information on how to use mobile devices and social media effectively in times of disaster; and sample disaster plans, along with model exercises, manuals and customizable communication.

AP U.S. History Resources from DocsTeach
For high school teachers and their students getting ready for this month’s AP US History exam, the National Archives has primary sources and educational resources to help prepare you for the modified Document Based Question (DBQ) format. This year’s shorter test will be taken at home due to COVID-19, and it will not include multiple choice questions, short answers, or a long essay. Instead, the test will be comprised of a single DBQ including five primary sources, one of which will be a non-text based primary source.

ALA Virtual – Community Through Connection to be Held June 24-26
ALA Virtual – Community Through Connection is an online event with educational programming, special author events, and social networking. The event format, specific content, and other details will be announced soon. For updates, follow #ALAVirtual20 and bookmark the website. Registration will open Monday, May 11, 2020, at 11 a.m. MDT. For those who opted to transfer their 2020 ALA Annual Conference registration to the virtual event, your registration for ALA Virtual is complete.

Big Talk from Small Libraries Recordings Available
Recordings of all Big Talk From Small Libraries 2020 sessions are now available. Find them on the Previous Conferences page. Due to technical issues, the webcam feeds were not captured in the recordings. And mark your calendars now – the next Big Talk From Small Libraries  will take place on Friday, February 26, 2021.

Small and Rural Librarians: Leading the Way in Online Conferences
In response to the pandemic, many in-person conferences are turning to online. Noah Lenstra writes on the WebJunction blog, “In this context, it can be helpful to remind ourselves that library staff, from small and rural locales in particular, have been eager and effective early adopters of the convening capacities of new technology.” Two great examples are the Iowa Small Libraries Online Conference (ISLOC) and Big Talk from Small Libraries from Nebraska.

How to Compare Apples to Oranges with Library Statistics
Library Research Service writes about library statistics, “As our brains process information, we constantly make comparisons. It’s how we decide if something is good or bad — by it being better or worse than something else. However, like apples and oranges, not all things can readily be compared, even if they appear similar enough on the surface.” Read the full article for more. The Wyoming State Library can provide assistance with the numbers — see our Wyoming Library Statistics page for details.

Free Courses on Remote Work, Job Searching and More
COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the global economy, as many people are now either working remotely or, unfortunately, not working at all. To help in this time, has unlocked courses to help your patrons stay productive while working from home or, for those who lost their jobs, build out their job search strategy to find a new one.

Curated List of Free Books for Children Addressing the Coronavirus
Patricia Sarles at the New York City School Library System has curated a list of all the titles she found for kids about the coronavirus. All are free to download and many are available in multiple languages.

2020 YALSA Teens’ Top Ten Nominees Announced
The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association, has officially announced the 2020 Teens’ Top Ten Nominees. This year’s list of nominees features 25 titles that were published between Jan. 1, 2019 and Dec. 31, 2019. Teens are encouraged to read the nominees throughout the summer to prepare for the national Teens’ Top Ten vote, which will take place August 15 – October 12th. The ten nominees that receive the most votes will be named the official 2020 Teens’ Top Ten.

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