News in Brief

Oct 2, 2020

Wyoming Game and Fish Department Offering Free Resources for Teachers
As schools come back in session this fall, whether that be in person or remotely, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department is reorganizing their Expo at Home webpage to serve as a resource for educators. Expo at Home features a webpage packed with years of online stories, videos and activities from the Department and partner organizations for all ages to expand their knowledge and skills important to Wyoming’s outdoor resources

Living Through a Pandemic: The AHC’s COVID-19 Project
The American Heritage Center’s COVID-19 Collection Project began in April 2020 as an effort to collect stories, photographs, poems, and other creative works that show the impact coronavirus has had on Wyoming. On their blog, they review what has happened in the eight months they’ve been collecting materials.

United for Libraries to Coordinate 15th Annual National Friends of Libraries Week
Friends of the Library groups and libraries across the country will be celebrating the 15th annual National Friends of Libraries Week Oct. 18-24, 2020. National Friends of Libraries Week offers a two-fold opportunity to celebrate Friends – promoting the group in the community, raising awareness and increasing membership, and giving libraries and boards of trustees the opportunity to recognize the Friends for their help and support of the library.

Resources for Teaching Westward Expansion
If you’re teaching about Westward Expansion this fall, the U.S. National Archives has a variety of primary sources and online teaching activities to add to your toolkit. You can find a variety of primary sources related to Westward Expansion before and after the Civil War on DocsTeach, our online tool for teaching with documents.

ALA Report on How Libraries Help the Formerly Incarcerated
The American Library Association (ALA) has released a new policy perspective report, Libraries & Reentry: The Importance of Public Spaces, Technologies, and Community to Formerly Incarcerated Patrons. The paper explores the role of libraries in the reentry process, focusing on how library services help reduce the probability of recidivism and ease some of the burdens associated with exiting prison or jail.

Celebrate International Games Week this November
Despite COVID-19, International Games Week (IGW) will take place from November 8-14, 2020.  Libraries of all stripes around the world are encouraged to sign up between now and October 24 to be eligible for a drawing for one of three special GameRT Loot Boxes.  This year will spotlight freely available print-and-play games and listing resources available for libraries to use to set up gaming events online.

Library of Congress Launches New Tool to Search Historical Newspaper Images
The public can now explore more than 1.5 million historical newspaper images online and free of charge. The latest machine learning experience from Library of Congress Labs, Newspaper Navigator allows users to search visual content in American newspapers dating  1789-1963.

Latinx KidLit Book Festival Online in December
The Latinx KidLit Book Festival is a virtual celebration of Latinx KidLit authors, illustrators, and books for all readers and educators. The festival will open its virtual doors from December 4-5, 2020, and present two free days of keynote sessions, Q&A events, and panels with your favorite Latinx authors and illustrators of picture books, middle grade, young adult, graphic novel, and poetry. The sessions are geared towards readers and educators everywhere.

Common Sense Media Offers Young Voters’ Guide to Social Media and News
Millions of young voters are gearing up to vote in November—many for the first time—but feeling overwhelmed by the constant barrage of information on social media. Commonsense Media has launched the Young Voter’s Guide to Social Media and the News: to help give all voters, and especially young voters, the resources and tools necessary to separate fact from fiction and make sense of election news and social media coverage.

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