News in Brief

Nov 5, 2020

Big Talk from Small Libraries Call for Speakers Open
The call for speakers for the 10th annual Big Talk From Small Libraries is now open. This free one-day online conference is aimed at librarians from small libraries — the smaller the better! They are looking for speakers from small libraries or speakers who directly work with small libraries for seven 50-minute presentations and five 10-minute “lightning round” presentations.

Native American Treaties from the U.S. National Archives
Hundreds of Native American treaties have been scanned and are freely available online, for the first time, through the National Archives Catalog. Also, in partnership with The Museum of Indian Arts and Culture (MIAC), these treaties and extensive additional historical and contextual information are available through Treaties Explorer.

REALM Project Toolkit Materials Available
The REALM (REopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums) Project has made available the first in a series of materials to help support the interpretation and use of REALM project resources. These materials include REALM 101 (about COVID-19 and the project), a checklist for decision-making, and visual aids comparing all REALM test results thus far

REALM Webinar Recording: Caring for Your Resources During COVID-19
Amid COVID-19, many archives, libraries, and museums are reopening and expanding access to services in their communities. The challenges of reopening during a pandemic have led to many questions about the handling of materials as well as the management of building operations. From allowing the virus to die naturally, to using disinfectants, to applying UV light or heat treatment—there are many options to consider. This on-demand WebJunction webinar from the REopening Archives, Libraries and Museums (REALM) project shares how some organizations are implementing policies and procedures around the use of these various treatments and considerations that could inform your own local decisions.

ACRL 2021 Conference Going Virtual Due to COVID-19
The Association of College and Research Libraries’ (ACRL) Board of Directors announced today that the face-to-face portion of the ACRL 2021 Conference scheduled for April 14-17, 2021, in Seattle, Washington, has been canceled because of the serious health risks posed by COVID-19 but will continue as a virtual-only event. The virtual ACRL 2021 Conference will be held over approximately the same dates in April 2021. More details about the virtual conference are forthcoming.

Advocacy Survey for Public Library Archives and Special Collections Employees
Public Library Archives and Special Collections Employees are invited to participate in this national survey, created by the Public Library Archives and Special Collections (PLASC) Section of the Society of American Archivists. This survey is being re-released in an effort to reach a larger number of U.S. public libraries. After it closes on Friday, November 20, 2020, aggregated results will be made available on the PLASC website.

Bring Engineering and Engineers to Your Community (Virtually)
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is partnering with the STAR Library Network (STAR Net) and its Project BUILD engineering program to invite public libraries across the country to participate in an exciting virtual engineering experience this coming November called Dream – Build – Create, an introduction to engineers and engineering for people of all ages, especially families and children. Your patrons will travel the world to see engineering in action, from the Great Wall of China, to solar car races in Australia, and underwater robots in the USA.

K-5 Teaching Resources from the National Archives
Educators often think of the National Archives as a place with resources for teaching the secondary grades or even older students. But elementary age students can work with primary sources too! You can find downloadable worksheets and more to walk elementary students through the steps of analyzing various types of primary sources available online from the National Archives.

10 New DocsTeach Activities Focus on Famous Patent Records
Are you teaching about the Industrial Revolution? Thinking about integrating STEM topics? Or looking for a short document analysis activity that could work for even elementary students in a remote/hybrid learning environment? The National Archives recently published 10 new activities on DocsTeach that focus on some of the most famous patent records from their holdings. The National Archives holds millions of patent drawings from the very founding of our nation through the late 20th century.

2020 YALSA Teens’ Top Ten Titles Announced
The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) has announced the official titles of the 2020 Teens’ Top Ten. The Teens’ Top Ten is a “teen choice” list, where teens nominate and choose their favorite books of the previous year. Teens aged 12-18 can nominate their favorite titles to be considered as a 2021 Teens’ Top Ten nominee via the public nomination form by Dec. 31.

The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources, E-Learning, and Online Collections
The potential of online collections, virtual tours, and social media campaigns have always been there, but now the opportunity for impact is incalculable. This list compiled and continually updated by MCN offers access to endless open content, educational resources for e-learning, and virtual retreats to art, culture, and history around the globe.

Mission US Immerses Young People in U.S. History
Mission US engages young people in the study of transformational moments in American history. Each mission consists of an interactive narrative game and curriculum materials aligned to national standards. The games immerse players in rich, historical settings and empower them to make choices that illuminate how ordinary people experienced the past.

New Toolkit to Help Youth Experiencing Financial Insecurity and Homelessness
The Library Service to Underserved Children and Their Caregivers (LSUCTC) committee is devoting the 2020-2021 calendar year to creating a vibrant, dynamic toolkit that provides ALSC members with up-to-date resources for working with marginalized populations.  Each toolkit page will provide professional and leisure reading recommendations, support for programming, and materials for families. October’s LSUCTC Toolkit focuses on youth and families experiencing homelessness and financial insecurity.


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