November News in Brief

Nov 20, 2024

Here is a roundup of news and articles regarding libraries and library professionals.

What is a Culture of Workplace Well-being?-This blog post defines what a culture of workplace well-being is and explains key elements this culture should include.

Level Up with Professional Development-Between program prep, collection development, and working on the public desk, youth librarians always have something to do. But even though we are already busy, it is worth it to add professional development to our schedules. This blog post includes five tips to getting started with professional development.

Teaching Geometry and Technology: Does Size Matter?-This blog are emerging technologies changing early math education? How can children’s librarians make use of these advances and accompanying research?

Health, Digital, and Research Literacy Support for Your Library Patrons-Whether a public library is new to offering health, digital, and research literacy programming or already has a slate of programs scheduled, this blog explains how to help strengthen library patrons’ digital health literacy skills.

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