Each month we post upcoming free virtual conferences to our training calendar page. Here are the offerings coming up for December:
Wednesday, Dec 1 (9-3 pm)
Rural Library Summit (Berea College)
A virtual half-day celebration of the impact libraries have on the aspirations of young people and a recognition of libraries’ contribution to cradle-to-career outcomes, especially for students in rural communities. The Summit will explore how libraries can support cradle-to-career solutions, combat food insecurities, leverage collective impact, and grow their impact on third-grade reading. Sessions will feature opportunities to engage in conversations about rural communities’ health and well-being and address community disparities.
Thursday, Dec 2 (9:30-2:30 pm)
CSLP National Summer Programming Symposium (Collaborative Summer Library Program)
The Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) is hosting its first ever Summer Symposium on December 2, and you’re invited (and it’s free!)! This national virtual event will provide great speakers and learning opportunities on a variety of topics.
Thursday, Dec 2 (11-2:30 pm)
Inclusive Entrepreneurship (North Carolina Library Association)
A workshop on how librarians support entrepreneurship as a pathway to economic justice, empowerment, and a counter to systemic racism. The scope of the workshop includes: (1) Understanding and overcoming systemic barriers and challenges; (2) Engaging with BIPOC entrepreneurs and/or historically-excluded entrepreneurs (for-profit and nonprofit) in our communities and campuses. The format for the workshop will include keynotes, a panel discussion, lightning rounds, and a lightly-moderated open discussion.
Thursday, Dec 9 (8-3 pm)
Penguin Random House Winter Book & Author Festival (School Library Journal)
Join Penguin Random House, Library Journal, and School Library Journal on December 9 for our second free, day-long virtual book and author festival as we celebrate librarians everywhere! Enjoy a day packed with author panels and interviews, book buzzes, virtual shelf browsing, and adding to your TBR pile.