Each month we post upcoming free virtual conferences to our training calendar. Here are the offerings coming up for November.
Thursday, Nov 9 (1-4 pm)
EDI 2.0: Individual Responsibility for Creating Belonging and Connection in the Library Profession (Library 2.0/San Jose State University)
In our fall Library 2.023 mini-conference we explore the evolution of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) efforts within the library profession, focusing on how libraries can help to create belongingness and meaningful connection and what individuals, specifically, can do to help make change. This event will showcase strategies that libraries employ to cultivate and integrate into their services a profound sense of belongingness, as well as the ways that library leadership is crucial in fostering an environment of inclusion and meaningful connection.
Thursday, Nov 9 (8-3 pm)
LibraryCon Live! 2023 (Library Journal)
Join Library Journal and School Library Journal on November 9th for our seventh annual LibraryCon Live! We’re excited to present a day-long celebration of fandom, spotlighting genre fiction for adults and teens with panels devoted to comics and graphic novels, horror, sf/fantasy, and more. In addition to panels and keynotes, we’re also offering studio spotlights focusing on visual artists.