Online Training ‘At Your Leisure’

Jul 8, 2020

In addition to the live webinars in our training calendar, each month we try to pick some videos out there that you can watch “At Your Leisure.” These on-demand offerings caught our attention for July:

Wyoming Virtual Field Trips (Wyoming State Library)
Join Nathan Doerr from the Wyoming State Museum and Megan Smith from the Buffalo Bill Center of the West for an exploration of their virtual field trips that can be scheduled for your classes and libraries!

Advancing Racial Equity in Your Library (Public Library Association)
Libraries strive to serve their communities with important services and programs, and they also contributed to our nation’s history of creating racial inequity by enforcing racialized laws. Although racial discrimination is illegal, many long-held library practices perpetuate racialized outcomes and maintain libraries as white spaces — often unintentionally.

Designing Libraries for Safety in the Age of COVID-19 (Library Journal Webcasts)
As libraries cautiously reopen the doors of their physical buildings to the public, minimizing risk from the COVID-19 pandemic to patrons and staff is top priority. Expert architects share design tips for how to use the building itself, and its furnishings, to reduce transmission, encourage social distancing, and get the library ready for its next phase while preserving flexibility for the long term.

The Human Skills We Need In An Unpredictable World (TED Talk)
The more we rely on technology to make us efficient, the fewer skills we have to confront the unexpected, says writer and entrepreneur Margaret Heffernan. She shares why we need less tech and more messy human skills — imagination, humility, bravery — to solve problems in business, government and life in an unpredictable age. “We are brave enough to invent things we’ve never seen before,” she says. “We can make any future we choose.”

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