People News

Jul 19, 2024

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Paula Martin was appointed to the Associate Dean role in July at UW Libraries. Martin joined the University of Wyoming Libraries faculty in 2020 as the Assistant Dean of User Services. Before coming to UW, she served as the Director of Holman Library at McKendree University in Lebanon, Illinois, and has worked in reference, instruction, circulation, and electronic resources management. As Associate Dean, Paula manages all operational activities of UW Libraries, coordinates the efforts of its three major divisions, and oversees the appointment and promotion of library faculty. 

Carrie Cooper is now the Upton Branch Librarian for the Weston County Library System. She comes to the WCLS with an abundance of customer service experience and has a lot of enthusiasm and excitement about working with the Upton community.

“Upton as a community is amazing,” Carrie said. “I have a lot of ideas.”

She appreciates that the job is part-time, as her husband works for the coal mine and they have a son who is just starting kindergarten. While at home with her son during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Carrie started her own business making homemade products for sensitive skin. Now that her son will be in school, she is excited to be returning to work outside of her home.

“I’ve always loved libraries and spending a lot of time in them,” said Carrie regarding her interest in the position. “A professor in college told me I would be an amazing librarian.”

Sherri Randall retired from the Weston County Library System (WCLS) at the end of May. Sherri’s service for the WCLS began back in 1980, when she joined the WCLS as the Assistant Librarian at the Upton Branch. She left in 1981, but returned in 1989 as the Upton Branch Library Branch Manger. Before working at the library, she was a newspaper typesetter. Between her library positions, she also worked as a pumper in the oilfield and worked in the parts department at an automobile dealership.

“All of these jobs helped me be a useful librarian with reference over my years being at the library,” said Sherri.

During her time at the Upton Branch Library, she helped bring the library into the computer age. “The library was still using manual methods when I went back in 1989,” Sherri said. Sherri is glad to have been able to add some new programs to the Upton Branch Library, including the Lego Building Group.

“I hope that the Upton Branch Library continue to be loved by the people of the area,” Sherri said. “I believe that the library is still a useful and necessary part of the community and I hope it continues long after I am gone.”

During her retirement, Sherri hopes to spend more time with her husband and enjoy some well-earned relaxation time.



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