Register Now for Library Journal Design Institute

Jul 30, 2018

The latest Library Journal Design Institute, a one-day, hands-on, small group event on library design, will be held September 21 at Minneapolis Central Library and hosted by LJ and Hennepin County Library Director Lois Langer Thompson. There’s also an optional half-day tour of surrounding libraries on September 20, capped by a reception hosted by MSR Design at Open Book.

Those who register before August 10 will have the opportunity for their library’s design challenges — from one-room fixes to building-wide renovation to new construction — to be workshopped by participating architects, who’ll share their expertise in small breakout sessions.
Registration is open only to librarians, library board or foundation members, and the library’s city planners/officials. Wyoming attendees can register at a special rate of $114.(The full rate is $163 ) Use promotion code MN30 to unlock this rate when registering.

Register now.

Whether or not your library is selected for a workshop/breakout, you’ll be able to sign up for breakouts that spur imagination and ideas. Beyond the breakout sessions, the day also features a mix of panels — on designing for changing collections, staff roles, and new services — and speed sessions where you can can get answers to your own questions from architects and vendors. There’s plenty of time to network with colleagues as well.

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