Replacements for “Search for Jack” Storybook Kits

Oct 27, 2017

We all know what happens when items with multiple parts and pieces are well-loved and well-used. If you are missing pieces to your library’s “Search for Jack” storybook kit(s), or if you want to add or replace a full kit, WY Quality Counts can help. Contact Maggie Budd at to place your request.

If you’re unfamiliar with this resource, the kits feature The Search for Jack, a children’s book about two friends, Chuck the Beaver and Pepper the Meadowlark, exploring Wild Wyoming together to find the mysterious jackalope. As they search, they model basic scientific investigation skills for children, including questioning, finding clues, making observations and reaching a conclusion. These have been made available to Wyoming libraries at no cost.

WY Quality Counts developed The Search for Jack kits in consultation with storytellers and librarians at Laramie County Library System, advisers from the Wyoming Library Association, and early childhood experts from the University of Wyoming.

WY Quality Counts is a state program whose mission is to raise awareness about why quality child care matters in Wyoming. The program provides free resources that promote quality educational opportunities to prepare children for success through developmentally-appropriate teaching methods and materials.

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