Smokey the Bear Visits Sweetwater County Library

Jun 13, 2024

A U.S. Forest Service employee, Smokey the Bear, and another adult stand in front of an audience of children.

Young SCL patrons learn about fire safety from Kelsey, a Forest Service and Smokey the Bear.

Smokey the Bear paid a visit to the Sweetwater County Library on June 11. Young SCL patrons learned about fire safety with Forest Service personnel and Smokey the Bear, who will celebrate his 80th birthday this August. This special event kicked off the SCL’s series of summer Storytime Adventures.

SCL librarians Tiffany Kennah, Becky Iwen, and Kallee Raza pose with Smokey the Bear.

Since 1944, Smokey the Bear has been the U.S. Forest Service’s mascot and “spokesbear” for fire prevention. In celebration of Smokey the Bear’s milestone birthday this summer, the Ad Council, the National Association of State Foresters, and the U.S. Forest Service are sponsoring a special reading challenge for kids.

Sweetwater County Library’s Smokey the Bear cave

The SCL encourages its young patrons to participate in the Smokey the Bear Reading Challenge to learn more about nature, safety, and natural resource careers. Information can be found in the Smokey the Bear cave at the SCL.

Patrons can pick up their Smokey the Bear Reading Challenge information in the Smokey the Bear cave at the library.

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