Did you miss Paige Bredenkamp’s Wyoming Library Association conference session on “Supporting Youth Services in Libraries?” Or were you there and just want another look at the information? Paige has her presentation online for you.
Why focus on teens in your library?
- Teens are a big chunk of the U.S. population, with over 40 million 12-17 year olds.
- Library services and resources for teens are regularly in jeopardy
- The demographic of teens has changed dramatically and include more teens of color, more teens from immigrant families, as well as more LGBTQ.
- Technology continues to change the way we communicate, teach, and learn.
- Teens are entering the workforce without critical skills.
See the entire slide show for ideas on how to improve teen services in your library.
Paige is the Wyoming State Library’s School Library Consultant. If you have questions for her, contact her at paige.bredenkamp@wyo.gov or (307) 777-6331.