Wyoming Snapshot Day will be held one short week away on October 24, 2023, and if your library isn’t already signed up, there’s still time to join us! On Snapshot Day, we ask you to collect photos and/or comments (and/or videos, if feasible) that tell the story of your library’s value each and every day of the year. Here at the WSL, we use these materials for advocacy, and we encourage you to do the same.
Contact Susan Mark at susan.mark@wyo.gov or (307) 777-5915 to add your name to the list. We’d particularly like to see more school, academic, and special libraries participate. There’s no deadline until the day is over! If you decide on the 24th to run around your library with a camera, we’d love to have your contributions.
If you haven’t participated before, we have details about participation in this blog post. You’re also welcome to contact Susan with any questions.