Want to Go to Library School? Attend a Conference? Funds Are Available

Nov 17, 2015

Many sources exist that provide funds for librarians to attend graduate school and library conferences. Here are a few to consider:

McMurry Individual Grants for Continuing Education
The Carol McMurry Library Endowment offers grants to both individuals and libraries for education and training, as well as grants to libraries for resources and foundation development. It was established in 2000 within the Wyoming Community Foundation to provide support to Wyoming librarians and publicly accessible Wyoming libraries. For those wanting a McMurry grant to attend the 2016 Public Library Association Conference in Denver, Colorado, from April 5-9, applications must be submitted by the November 30 deadline. Requests for assistance for PLA 2016 are limited to $1,000. Learn more at will.state.wy.us/mcmurry.

The Wiley Scholarship for Early Career Librarians
Wiley is offering three (3) $1,500 reimbursement grants to attend one of these library conferences of their choice: ALA Midwinter, ER&L, MLA, SLA, or ALA Annual. All early career (first five years) academic and research librarians and ML(I)S students in the US and Canada are eligible to apply. Deadline November 20. Learn more at news.wiley.com/LibGrant.

ALA Scholarship Clearinghouse
The American Library Association (ALA) has more than $300,000 available to students who are studying in library science or school library media programs at the master’s degree level. Scholarships range from $1,500 to $7,000 per student per year. Applicants must attend a master’s level program in library and information science that has been accredited by the ALA. Applicants interested in school librarianship must attend a program that meets ALA curriculum guidelines for the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Deadline to apply is March 1, 2016. For more information, visit the ALA Scholarship page or call the ALA Scholarship Clearinghouse at (800) 545-2433, ext. 4279.

YALSA Grants to Attend ALA 2016 Conference
Members of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) who will be first time attendees of the 2016 ALA Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, can apply for a grant to offset travel expenses. A total of three grants are available. Baker and Taylor is sponsoring two grants worth $1,000 each to eligible library staff working with or for young adults. One will be awarded to an individual working in a school library and the other will go to a public library worker. The third grant, the Dorothy Broderick Student Scholarship is awarded to a graduate student who will be attending the ALA Annual Conference for the first time and is currently enrolled in an ALA accredited graduate school of library and information science. The chosen recipient will receive a $500 grant with additional reimbursement of up to $500 given upon submission of travel receipts. Applications for all three grants are due December 1, 2015. To learn more and to apply, visit www.ala.org/yalsa/awardsandgrants/bakertayloryalsa.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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