“What the Tech” at WLAC

Aug 13, 2024

Volunteer to share your knowledge in the “What the Tech” session at the Wyoming Library Association Conference in Casper on Friday, October 11th at 11:30 a.m.!

This session is a lightning-round tour of technologies that can be used in (and sometimes out) of the library world. Run by Jessica, Paige, and Letitia from the Wyoming State Library’s Library Development Office, What the Tech has something for everyone in a rapid-fire show of websites, apps, tools, and tech developments. Participation is required by presenting and being an active attendee (maximum 25 presenters, no maximum attendees). For presenters, simply choose a tech to talk about and put together a few PowerPoint slides prior to the conference; at WLA, in two minutes or less, explain what the resource is and how it can be used. As an active attendee, encourage your colleagues and be ready to take note of the exciting tech developments you want to investigate later.

What the Tech is fun for everyone, but it can’t happen without YOU!

For a look at past What the Tech presentations/topics, visit the Wyoming State Library website.

To save your spot, please contact Jessica Otto (jessica.otto@wyo.gov) by September 5th with your commitment to attend. Topics and presentations will be due September 30.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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