The Wyoming Library Association Legislative Reception is just two days away! Hurry, hurry! It’s not too late!
If you’re bringing a potluck dish to the 2019 reception and haven’t yet signed up, please do so now! If you haven’t thought about it, please consider bringing a dish. We need your help to make this event Wonderland-iful!
Contact Jessica Dawkins at jessica.dawkins@wyo.gov and (307) 777-6337. Cash donations directed to WLA are also welcome; please contact Laura Grott, WLA Executive Secretary, at (307) 632-7622 or lauragrott@gmail.com.
No need to stop and paint the roses, and don’t lose your head—hurry over to the year’s most wonderful library event of all! We’ll see you this Thursday, February 7, in Cheyenne! Event takes place at 5:30 p.m. at the Wyoming State Library at 2800 Central Ave. Arrive early at 5:00 p.m. for a legislative update.