Wyoming Boys’ State Delegates Visit the Wyoming State Library

Jun 14, 2024

Five men stand in front of the Great Seal of Wyoming and the Wyoming State Library logo

Travis Pollok, the WSL’s  with the 2024 Wyoming Boys State delegates.

Four representatives from the 2024 Wyoming Boys’ State delegation visited the Wyoming State Library on Friday, June 14. Each young man was assigned a state government leadership role for the duration of their Boys’ State experience. The A&I delegates included Samuel Saulness from Buffalo, Boys’ State Director of Administration and Information; Ashton Taylor  from Casper, Boys’ State A&I State Librarian; McKinnon Purcell from Moorcroft, Boys’ State A&I General Services Administrator; and Lane Owen from Basin, Boys’ State A&I Human Resources Division Administrator

They were given a tour of the Wyoming State Library’s facility by Travis Pollok, the WSL’s Information Services Manager, and Vince Crolla, the WSL’s Legislative Specialist, as well as a folder full of information about the WSL and some fun WSL swag.

Wyoming Boys’ State is an annual program sponsored by the American Legion for high school junior boys. (A similar program is held annually for high school junior girls, as well.) Held each June, the program is chance for boys from across Wyoming to gather and learn about their state and how government works. Young men from across the state hear from officials from all levels and branches of government and experience what it takes to create and enact laws and the activities throughout the emphasize leadership, civic engagement and patriotism.

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