Wyoming Chapter of ARMA Spring Seminar

Feb 3, 2012

The Wyoming Chapter of ARMA (Association of Records Managers and Administrators) will be hosting their annual Spring Seminar on March 15, 2012 in Cheyenne, Wyoming from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm entitled “Are You Ready for ‘The Cloud’? – Information Management Challenges”.  

The keynote speaker is Tom Reding, C.R.M., from Ocala, Florida.  Mr. Reding is a internationally recognized authority on records and information management, document content, data governance, litigation support and privacy.  He will present the morning session on “Pervasive Information Governance in the Cloud” and will discuss the importance of having good information governance in place prior to any Cloud initiative and  what this means to your organization.

Additional speakers will be Mike Crouch, State of Wyoming I.T. Security Coordinator.  Mr. Crouch has been in the network and computer security field for over 12 years.  His session will be “Where’s the Silver Lining?”  Mr. Crouch will discuss Cloud related security and privacy issues while maintaining appropriate levels of confidentiality, integrity and availability.

Shawn Mills will present the last session on “Leverage the Cloud to Minimize IT Infrastructure Over-Building”.  Mr. Mills is the President and co-founder of Green House Data, a green data center powered by 100% renewable wind-power.  ‘Green House Data’ is a Wyoming based ‘cloud hosting’ and ‘co-location facility. Mr. Mills will discuss IT infrastructure costs and benefits of leveraging the public “Cloud” to allow IT departments the opportunity to focus on current needs and utilize The Cloud during constrained resource periods.

This year’s reduced Seminar Registration Fee includes an exceptional gathering of respected speakers, breaks, lunch, beverages, and door prizes.  “The Cloud” is with us now!  We hope you can join us March 15th for a great day of education and information sharing.  For more information and to view the seminar brochure with registration information, click the link below.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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