Three Wyoming librarians are at the Research Institute for Public Libraries (RIPL) this week: Thomas Ivie, Research & Statistics Librarian, and Jamie Markus, Interim State Librarian, both from the Wyoming State Library, and Isabel Zumel, Assistant Director at Teton County Library. Ivie also is the State Data Coordinator for the Public Library Statistics Cooperative (PLSC), the national data collection by the Institute of Museum and Library Services that uses local library annual reports.
75-100 participants are engaging in three days of hands-on, intensive workshops about:
- Evaluation design and implementation
- Data collection and use for strategic planning
- Measures for reporting library impact
- Tips for aligning research efforts with national initiatives like Edge Benchmarks and the Impact Survey
RIPL provides participants with tools for evaluation, confidence in building research into their activities, and a network of colleagues for future learning and success.