Wyoming Residents Continue to GoWYLD

Jan 9, 2023

This summer and fall, Wyoming residents were invited to “Get Out There and GoWYLD”—and they did! The GoWYLD website has a wealth of free online resources that Wyoming residents can unlock with their library card, but not everyone knows just how many resources apply to them. To help patrons explore more, the state library ran digital ads on social media channels in addition to traditional marketing materials to showcase the collection of resources freely available to Wyoming library cardholders.

The campaign produced 11.5 million ad impressions through Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and website advertisements that produced 29,000 visits to GoWYLD.com where patrons were directed to the federally funded resources. In addition to these numbers, local libraries across the state made extensive use of campaign assets on social media, in their newsletters, and displaying web banners.

This effort was created to increase awareness and usage of GoWYLD and highlight specific resources such as BookFlix, LinkedIn Learning and Libby, but there is so much more to explore with GoWYLD. Though the campaign is over, GoWYLD’s resources are always free and easily accessible to anyone with a Wyoming library card. To obtain a library card and learn more about the services available to you, contact your local library.

This campaign was made possible in part through American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, LS-250246-OLS-21.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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