2021-22 Wyoming School Library Statistics Released

Jul 22, 2022

Smiling schoolgirl standing in bookshelves corner holding a book

Student at Woods Learning Center on Wyoming Snapshot Day 2021.

The numbers are in: the results of the Wyoming School Library Survey 2021-22 have been released and may be found on the Wyoming State Library statistics page.

The Wyoming State Library conducts a voluntary survey of school libraries to collect basic information on staffing, budgets, student use of the library, and other measures. A large body of research has shown that a strong school library program — with sufficient staffing, collections, and budget — is associated with higher student test scores.

Typically the Wyoming School Library Survey is conducted annually. Due to the pandemic, it was not conducted for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years. In addition, school library services changed during the COVID health emergency. For example, students were provided with laptops for distance education. Because of this, some of the data may be drastically different from prior years.

Questions about the survey, or about other school library issues, may be directed to Paige Bredenkamp, WSL School Library Consultant, at paige.bredenkamp@wyo.gov or (307) 777-6331.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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