Extensions and podcasts and apps, oh my! Topics at the Wyoming Library Association “What the Tech” session included...
Four Receive Van Burgh Grants
Every year, the Wyoming Library Association makes the Nora Van Burgh Professional Development Grant available to...
LCCC is WLA’s ‘Outstanding Library’
On Thursday, August 8, the Wyoming Library Association honored the Laramie County Community College’s Ludden Library...
Another Successful WLA Conference
Attendance was up at this year’s Wyoming Library Association conference that was held August 7-9 with 141 attendees...
Hodgins is WLA’s ‘2019 Outstanding Librarian’
Devin Hodgins has been honored by the Wyoming Library Association as its “2019 Outstanding Librarian.” Devin is a...
WLA a ‘Friend of Community Development’
Last week at the Wyoming Library Association conference, the Wyoming Association of Community Development Extension...
WLLI Graduate Institute Held
Wyoming Library Leadership Institute graduates attended the first-ever Graduate Institute on July 19-20 in Gillette,...
Get Your Baskets Ready for WLA
It's time to show your creative side and support the Wyoming Library Leadership Institute by building a basket (or...
‘What the Tech?’ Call for Presenters
https://youtu.be/zJkuTl11zMw What the Tech is a very popular WLA Conference program comprised of lots of quick...
Check out WLA Conference Programs
Heading to the Wyoming Library Association conference in Cheyenne August 7-9, 2019? Then check out the great lineup of...