Latest Library News
Advancing Creative Aging in Wyoming Convening
The Wyoming Arts Council (WAC), the Wyoming State Library (WSL), and Lifetime Arts collaborated at the Advancing Creative Aging in Wyoming Convening on June 6 at the Laramie...
Beads, Butterflies, and Budding Artists at the Goshen County Library
During their weekly summer reading event on Wednesday, June 19, so many things were happening at once at the Goshen County Library (GCL) in Torrington, Wyoming. Some...
WYLD Annual Meeting Survey Now Open
The WYLD Network and the Wyoming State Library are seeking your input on a brief survey regarding the annual meeting in Casper on June 13th and 14th. We'd like to hear from...
Sheridan County Builds Creativity with Lego
The Sheridan County Public Library System hosted "Free Build Friday" last week and invited children of all ages to drop in anytime between 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to unleash...
Wyoming Library Professionals Attend WYLD Annual Meeting
Library professionals from across Wyoming met at Casper College in Casper, Wyoming on June 13 and 14 for the WYLD Annual Meeting. On Thursday morning, participants enjoyed...
Pony Express Re-Rides Through Wyoming
If you are near Casper between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m. on June 21, the National Pony Express Association is recreating the Pony Express in a Commemorative Re-Ride over a 10 day...
New Books at the Wyoming State Library
The latest additions to the Wyoming State Library’s professional development collection are available to you through WYLDcat. Questions, comments, or suggestions for...
Laramie County Library Hosts the Cheyenne Mountain ZooMobile
Laramie County Library patrons had the opportunity to zoom in on some animals from the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The LCLS location in...
Johnson County Library Hosts Plant Pressing Event
The Johnson County Library in Buffalo, Wyoming, hosted a plant press workshop, in cooperation with local US Forest Service staff, as part of their adult summer programing on...
Celebrate Juneteenth by Exploring Its History on GoWYLD
Today is Juneteenth, also called Emancipation Day, Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, and Liberation Day. This special day celebrates the emancipation in the late 1800s of the...
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